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女人们可以买一条裹身裙,然后给自己的虚拟化身也穿上同一条裙子。Women can buy a wrap dress and outfit their pixilated selves in the same one.

如此送入你头脑的未加工的数据就像有个洞的模样古怪的图像。And so the raw data sent to the brain are like a badly pixilated picture with a hole in it.

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系统地研究和分析了像素化显示器件的一些参数跟衍射显示效果之间的关系。The relation between parameters of pixilated display device and the diffraction display was studied.

好多年了,我的有线电视一直就没怎么好过--我的DVR经常录取一些完全看不清的图像。For years I've had issues with my cable TV – my DVR often records entire programs completely pixilated.

在一间店里,一台古老的黑白电视机对面的墙上,挂着一幅真人大小的日本武士招贴画。In one, an antique black-and-white television balances on the wall below a life-size poster of a pixilated Japanese warrior.

在这个设计中,二道彩虹曲线的顶瑞以一种奇特的方式创造出一道双重彩虹的错觉。In this design, two rainbows are stacked on top of each other in a pixilated form to create an illusion of a double rainbow.

像素化的影像揭示了北京为了成为一个更“文明”的城市而进行无节制建设过程中的历史痕迹。The pixilated images reveal traces of history amidst Beijing's policy of unbridled construction to achieve a more "civilized" city.

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为了保护未成年人的隐私权,直到11月1日马鲁格满18岁前,各家媒体都小心翼翼地对照片中进行了脸部模糊处理。Until Nov. 1, when El Mahroug turned 18, the press carefully pixilated part of her face in an attempt to protect the privacy of a minor.

其中,迷彩军服布料的混用,更赋予这张像素化的脸孔一种观点,突显了战争如何被整合在充满控制与威吓的全球秩序当中的事实。The inclusion of military camouflage to create aspects of the pixilated face highlights how war is integrated into a global order of control and terror.

它几乎可以提供无限大精度的贴图结果,就是说即使你使用的巨大的分辨率你也看到像素点,而且效果也不错。It will also spare the system memory while rendering, it has nearly unlimited resolution so it won't be pixilated in greater resolutions and it looks good too!

增加弯折的围墙内嵌套着规矩的方块格子,里面摆放着各种商品,销售区域被定义为穿孔式的不锈钢板显得井井有条。The sales area is defined by stainless steel panels which are perforated in order to reduce the weight of the heavy steel as well as to create a pixilated light pattern.

其中一个变化是字体的反锯齿功能,让字符的显示变得更加平滑。One change is that typeface antialiasing, which smooths curves to get rid of jagged, pixilated edges of font characters, operates over two dimensions instead of just one with earlier technology.