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他的故事没有一点是真的。There is not an iota of truth in his story.

那是没有任何怀疑,一丁点的怀疑都没有。There's no doubt, not one iota of doubt there.

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在纸上一撇一捺瞬间就写出了一个人字。On paper one iota a si instantly wrote one word.

给他们看数据似乎也无济于事。Giving them data seemed to not impress them one iota.

我不认为这些所谓的内幕有多么的真实,哪怕是那么的一点点。I do not think there's any iota of truth in that story.

基本形制为撇口、细颈、垂腹、圈足。Basic shape for iota mouth, thin neck, vertical abdomen, ring foot.

我不会带走一丝一毫的奉献精神,由于我最神圣的母亲。I will not take away an iota of the devotion due to my most holy mother.

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他们用所有物质的东西加以反抗—他们没有一丝的宇宙和灵性力量。They fight with all that is physical- they have not one iota of cosmic or spiritual strength.

反讽的是,尽管数独号称是一种数字游戏,却用不到一丁点儿数学。Ironically, despite being a game of numbers, Sudoku demands not an iota of mathematics of its solvers.

我从不服用致幻药,我不想我的思想有半点的多余成分。I never took hallucinogenic drugs because I never wanted my consciousness expanded one unnecessary iota.

他们自称为马克思列宁主义者,其实一点马克思列宁主义也没有学到。This group of people called themselves Marxist-Leninigts, but actually they had not learned an iota of Marxism-Leninism.

它说明政府对满足冬奥会场馆最起码的技术要求都置若罔闻。Both show a government whose responses meet the barest technical requirements of acceptable conduct, but not one iota more.

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也就是说,根本谈不上设计,并且稍有编程经验的任何人都可以写出可以工作的初步脚本来。That is, it's trivial in design, and anyone with an iota of programming experience can write rudimentary scripts that work.

只有很少的俄罗斯人在度假的泰国多好啊,我们一点都不会想念那些阴沉的,固执的,傲慢的船员。How nice it is here in Thailand with very few Russians taking holiday here. We do not miss that sullen, pushy, arrogant crew one iota.

而对于光照派,比较他们对于全球经济钢铁般的紧握姿态,只留下极微小机动性能了。As for the Illuminati, compared to their former iron grasp on the global economy, they have but an iota of maneuvering capability left.

上主的意识里没有一丁点儿想要试鍊你或是磨难你的想法。上主只想用所有的方式给你爱,喜乐与平安。There is not one iota in God's consciousness that would test you or give you pain. God wills only love , joy, and peace for you in all ways.

今日我们读受难始末时,我们会看到这个百分百的天主,并没有用他任何天主的能力,去使自己少受一分一毫的苦。Today when we read the Passion and Death of Jesus we will see this true God who did not use one iota of his divine power to lessen his pain.

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不仅罗斯的研究能拯救生命,和器官移植手术带来革命,而它亦缩减生存至最小的丝毫。Not only could Roth's research save lives and revolutionize organ transplant surgeries, but it also pares survival down to its smallest iota.

我实在告诉你们,即使到天地都过去了,律法的一撇或一画,也绝不能过去,直到一切都得成全。For truly I say to you, Until heaven and earth pass away, one iota or one serif shall by no means pass away from the law until all come to pass.

越来越多的电视台开始采用非线性编辑网络进行新闻、专题或后期节目的制作。The maturity of magnanimity-storage and FC transmission technology also turns it iota reality that non-linear editing system operating on network.