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长枝髓心不发达。Long sticks pith underdevelopment.

非洲必须开发自己巨大的资源,来抗击贫穷和落后。Africa must develop its vast resources to tackle poverty and underdevelopment.

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现在国际上已经采取措施来克服最可怕的贫困和落后状况。Now new international effort has been made to overcome the worst of poverty and underdevelopment.

中国要彻底改变落后面貌,任务十分艰巨,道路十分漫长。For us, to bring a fundamental change to the state of underdevelopment is a long and uphill journey.

这一创建中的环太平洋文化是发达与不发达之间一种新型的关系。This Pacific Rim civilization being created is a new relationship between development and underdevelopment.

金融抑制一直是贫困、不发达地区最突出的金融特征。The financial restraint is the most prominent financial characteristic in poverty and underdevelopment regions.

但是他们说,高度贫穷和不发达的国家为应对这个问题做的准备是最少的。But it says countries with high levels of poverty and underdevelopment will be the least prepared to deal with them.

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因此,在理论上,大脑的不发达也许可以解释为什么年轻人似乎更愿意冒风险飞速驾驶了。So, in theory, its underdevelopment may explain why young people seem more willing to take risks like driving too fast.

当今世界局势的特点是发展中国家政治混乱、经济不发达。Today's world situation is characterized by political disorder and economic underdevelopment of the developing countries.

在国内现在的教育体制和不发达的创造力大背景下,李开复有很多问题需要思考。With the domestic education system as it is and the underdevelopment of creativity, Kaifu Lee with have plenty to ponder.

现有高等教育结构最突出的问题是高等职业教育发展不够。One of the problems in the structure of our higher education lies in the underdevelopment of our higher vo-tech education.

但是,他们认为那些把这种情况当作解释不发达问题的中心的人是折衷主义和专横武断。But they view those who place this fact at the center of their explanations of underdevelopment as being eclectic and arbitrary.

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世界能源理事会说,缺电是非洲大陆仍旧在贫困和发展不足中挣扎的原因之一。The World Energy Council says the power shortage has contributed to continued poverty and underdevelopment across the continent.

布什总统指出,自由的贸易和开放的市场能够创造就业机会,有助于解决在美洲国家根深蒂固的贫困和欠发达问题。Free trade and open markets create jobs, which are the antidote for the poverty and underdevelopment that persists across the Americas, Bush said.

作者认为,税优政策不统一和不完整是导致企业年金发展严重滞后的主要原因之一。The author argues that the inconsistence and incompleteness of preferential tax policies are the main reasons for the underdevelopment of enterprise annuity.

当时,新中国刚刚成立,百业凋零,百废待兴,国民经济基础相当薄弱。At that time, the People's Republic had just been founded, and the national economic base was weak, with a general pattern of underdevelopment in all sectors.

对应第三章的阐述,一个明显的特点是,各种公司债券市场都相对地欠发达,包括各种长期间的证券。Echoing the discussion in Chapter III, one noticeable feature is the relative underdevelopment of corporate bond markets, including securities of long duration.

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内生增长理论认为,原因可能在于落后地区的低人力资本禀赋难以同本地创新形成良性互动,导致经济增长速度始终囿于低发展陷阱。According to endogenous growth theory, the reason is that low human capital of poor regions is not complementary with autochthonic innovation, which leads to underdevelopment traps.

它不仅为我国经济欠发达的沿边地区经济发展和群众脱贫致富开辟了新的途径,也为我国旅游经济的持续发展找到了一个新的经济增长点。It not only breaks a new path for the underdevelopment economy border area and people to become rich, but also find a new increasing-point for our tour economy continual development.

选取河南省焦作市不仅是对该市有很深的情感,而且其是经济不发达的中小城市,但有着良好群众体育基础。Jiaozuo City, Henan Province is not only select the city has a deep emotion, and its economic underdevelopment of small and medium sized cities, but has a good foundation of mass sports.