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吴起镇赢得了我的欢心。Wu chi chen had won my heart.

来段日常的太极练习。Begin a daily tai chi practice.

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这就是刘博智的工作。This is the work of Pok Chi Lau.

曾志伟唱歌你听过吗?Have you hear Tsang Chi Wai sing?

樊迟问什么是仁。Fan Chi asked what is benevolence.

胡志明博物馆的正门口。Ho Chi Minh Museum. Main entrance.

难道你不知道气来自煞?Don't know your chi from your chai?

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为了那些依然期待一个微笑的人。Per chi spera ancora in un sorriso.

也许太极会对你有好处。Maybe Tai Chi would be good for you.

我的名字是陈志,我是一个中国人。My name is Chi Chan, I am a Chinese.

好吧,可你不了解奇奇。Yeah, well, you didn't know Chi Chi.

拥有吉讯达,让我们一起发达。Has a chi Schindler, let us developed.

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舒淇等人也在微博中大呼羡慕。Hsu Chi et al in micro-blog of envy"."

刘驰实现了自己的小小心愿。Liu Chi has realized his little dream.

陈集泉老师领导太极拳表演。Tai Chi performance Led by Master Chen.

随着一段瑜伽、普拉提或是太极而放松下来。Slow down with yoga, Pilates or tai chi.

在大多数化学教材上,也有用希腊字母X表示的。But, in most chemistry texts, it's also chi.

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天齐是一个古老的人类国家。Tien Chi is a human nation of the ancient era.

汤池小镇能成为天下人的样板吗?Would Tang chi be the Apocalypse of the world?

华支英雄们永垂不朽!谢谢!Eternal glory to the Wha Chi heroes! Thank you.