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睡魔带给我一个梦想。Mr. Sandman bring me a dream.

有没有什么好办法立即驱逐桑曼呢?That there is no good way to immediately expel Sandman then?

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瞌睡虫,美国大众都想知道为什么你叫“瞌睡虫”?Sandman , all of America wants to know, why do they call you "The Sandman"?

没有谁可以像沙人儿一样给孩子讲这么好的故事了。Now no one in all the world can tell children such good stories as Ole, the Sandman.

装备睡魔的侦查兵会拥有较少的血量,请记得这点当作你的优势之一。Scout with the Sandman has considerably less health than usual. Use this to your advantage.

但如果整个生产力可以提高,大部分管理者应该还是愿意接纳这些睡仙的。But if overall productivity is improved, most managers should be willing to welcome the sandman.

任何一个在首演就表现如此优秀,而且还对球队作出贡献的球员,你能认为他没有潜力成为我们重要一员呀。Anyone who can make his debut in a match like that and make an impact has real potential. by Sandman.

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通过这部教程,我们将执行打造的“睡魔特效”所需要的技术工艺。Throughout these lessons we will execute the technical processes required to create the "Sandman Effect".

山德曼警告不要强调当时的客观因素,而要强调自己当时确实做错了,也不要为自己做的事情过分辩护。Sandman cautions against emphasizing the circumstances more than the misbehavior or implying that they justify what you did.

当你采用下面的建议来达到深度睡眠,瞌睡虫就是你最好的朋友,并体验恢复健康的益处。Make the Sandman your best friend when you use these tips to achieve REM, or rapid eye movement sleep — and experience its restorative benefits.

沙人儿说“现在你得穿上小锡人兵的制服了,你穿大小刚好,参加婚礼也合适。”And then the Sandman said, "Now you must take the uniform from your little tin soldier. I think it will just about fit you, and be the very thing for a wedding."

成功的大英雄从不因此失足,蝙蝠侠、铁人、黄蜂和金世纪沙人都保持了百万富翁的地位,尽管他们整天要易容出去行侠仗义。Successful superheroes never let it slide. That's how Batman, Iron Man, the Wasp, and the Golden Age Sandman all retain their millionaire status, even when they do the costume thing full-time.