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把表土倒在这里。Dump the topsoil here.

水很快地渗透了表土。Water sank rapidly through topsoil.

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侵蚀作用已使大量表土层流失。Erosion has dissolved acres of topsoil.

石头是基础,上面是泥土,再上面是表土。Stone is the foundation, above which is soil, and then topsoil.

根据传统的做法,我们将需要三分之一的预算用于运走受污染的土壤层。A third of our budget was allocated to remove our polluted topsoil.

当这些土壤都冲光了,那么这个地方除了沙漠什么都没了。When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but worthless desert.

可见,土壤是石粒和曾经是活体的物质的混合物。So the topsoil is bits of rock mixed with things that are once alive.

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排水和表土对将来草坪的生长非常重要。Drainage and quality topsoil are essential to growth of the fine turf.

从工地挖出的表土须用于筑堤的石笼上。Topsoil excavated from the work site shall be applied onto the gabions.

凡是可以保留的区域都不需要表土收集和替换。Every contour that can be left alone saves topsoil stripping and replacement.

没有了树木,海地土壤流失,重创了当地农业。Without trees, Haiti lost its topsoil through erosion, crippling agriculture.

根据科学家们的看法,自然界要用500年的时间才能形成一英寸厚的表面土壤。According to scientists, it takes nature500years to create an inch of topsoil.

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如果使用推土机,应当避免将表层土铲离安置点区域,这是经常发生的错误。Bulldozers, if used, should avoid scrapping topsoil off the site, as often occurs.

沙尘暴引发呼吸道疾病、毁坏庄稼,并吹走了宝贵的地表土。The storms cause respiratory illness, destroy crops and blow away precious topsoil.

农业省现在表示去除受污的表土可能有效。The agriculture ministry now says removing that contaminated topsoil may be effective.

屯留煤矿副井井筒表土段采用普通法施工,利用井外降水井疏干降水。The auxiliary shaft topsoil adopted ordinary construction and drainages in hygrometric well.

直达波法采用叩板法来激发剪切波,这样根据测得的剪切波波速只能求出路基表层土的干密度。With The direct wave method we only can work out the dry density of the topsoil of subgrade.

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一周以后,当工人将最上层的表层土夯实以后,臭味就消失了。A week later, no smell could be detected as the workers tamped down a final layer of topsoil.

然而小孩在操场或花园中玩耍特别容易接触到富含金属元素的表层土壤。However, small children are particularly exposed to metal-rich topsoil in playgrounds and gardens.

挖栽植坑时,应将表土和底土分别放在坑的两侧。When digging a hole for planting, one should put topsoil and subsoil in two different sides of the hole.