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圣经里都是目击者的描述。The Bible is filled with eyewitness accounts.

目击证人能够证实所有的证词。The eyewitness can substantiate all the testimony.

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一名目击者向BBC讲述了他在周五亲眼目睹的情景。An eyewitness told the BBC what he'd seen on Friday.

对当时所发生的有不同的目击报告。There were differing eyewitness accounts of what happened.

目击者的报告构成了有关此人相貌的一幅详图。Eyewitness reports construct a detailed description of the man.

作为目击者的记者本人也被认为是第一手来源。The journalist as eyewitness also is considered a primary source.

那么为什么目击证人的证词在法庭上总是站得住脚的呢?So why does eyewitness testimony continue to hold water in courtrooms?

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“伊拉姆法西斯的攻击他,”一名目击者告诉周日邮。"The ELAM fascists attacked him, " an eyewitness told the Sunday Mail.

写有他名字的证物和目击证人的证言都证明他与罪案有关。A clue with his name on it and eyewitness testimony tie him to the crime.

她发现,跨语言的观看者之间存在着很大记忆差别。She discovered a striking cross-linguistic difference in eyewitness memory.

大量的“无法解释的”证据都是目击者叙述的。The bulk of evidence for such "unexplained" reports are eyewitness accounts.

其他目击者称因为房屋都已倒塌,人们都逃上了街道。Other eyewitness accounts said people fled on to the streets as buildings collapsed.

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据目击者称,在托克斯泰斯出现了200多名蒙面的年轻人。There were also reports from an eyewitness of up to 200 youths wearing masks in Toxteth.

对此,可以看一下我写的有关错误目击者证词的一篇文章。For a good example have a look at this article I wrote about faulty eyewitness testimony.

目击者的角度,应拍照,由瞄准线和从现场的核心。Eyewitness perspectives should be photographed by line-of-sight to and from the scene core.

我也想确认目击证人的记忆是否会被以前的信息扰乱。I wondered if an eyewitness account could be corrupted by misleading post-event information.

社交网站或许增加了撒谎的成本,这是一个拥有丰富信息和目击者的地方。Social media has upped the ante. It is a rich source of information and eyewitness accounts.

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一名目击者说,很多受害者是警官,很多人伤势严重。An eyewitness said a large number of victims were police officers and many were badly injured.

有关昨天街上发生的交通事故,警察调查了目击者。Police called the eyewitness about the traffic accident which happened in the street yesterday.

这个审判官不会去考虑每个目击者的长相或人们在哪里居住或工作。The judge does not consider what each eyewitness looks like or where that person lives or works.