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我紧抓着窗沿,整个人僵在那里。My grip froze me to the windowsill.

各种各样的昆虫尸体装点着窗台。Lots of dead insects lie on the windowsill.

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我的皮带扣滑到窗沿里面了。My belt buckle slips inside the windowsill.

他的窗台也有自然一角。He keeps his own nature shelf on the windowsill.

一只饥饿的小知更鸟跳到窗台上。A hungry little robin hopped onto the windowsill.

我想把这个花盆放到窗台上。I'm trying to put the flowerpot on the windowsill.

种上药草或者花种,放在窗台上等它长成吧。Plant herb or flower seeds, and put in the windowsill.

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我摸索着,摸到了、抓紧了窗台。My fingers fumbled , grasped and held the windowsill tightly.

我们漫步走过这片街区,然后在一排窗台前坐下休息。We wandered down the block and sat down to rest on a windowsill.

我的领带垂在脸上,我的皮带扣卡在窗沿上。My tie flops in my face. My belt buckle catches on the windowsill.

然后她就爬到窗台上找奶奶。She then climbed onto the windowsill trying to find her grandmother.

明媚的太阳花从高高的窗台上向行人微笑。Bright sunflowers are smiling to the passers-by from the high windowsill.

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明媚的太阳花从高高的窗台了向行人微笑。Bright sunflowers are smiling to the passerss-by from the high windowsill.

不要把窗沿想象成一把滚烫钝刀子在为你开膛破肚。Don't picture the windowsill as a dull hot knife slitting open your belly.

然而,就在这鸟儿站着的窗台边,有一扇开着的窗户。Yet, right beside the windowsill where the bird stood, was an open window.

我马上在窗台上拴一根红丝带。I quickly gathered my family, andtied a scarlet ribbon on to my windowsill.

窗台上我要养一株太阳花,因为它就像阳光给我温暖。I will keep on windowsill a sunflower, because it is like sunshine to my warm.

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在帕萨迪纳喷气推进实验室,他办公室的窗台上摆满了小行星按比例制作的模型。Scale models of asteroids fill the windowsill of his office at JPL in Pasadena.

住在对面楼上的一位邻居看见妞妞的身体正悬挂在窗沿外。A neighbor from the opposite building saw Niu Niu's body hanging out the windowsill.

我们在街区里散步,累了就在窗台上坐着休息一会儿。We wandered down the block and sat down to rest on a windowsill. Zhu lit a cigarette.