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这汤淡而无味。The soup was rather tasteless.

你怎么能吃下这么无味的食物呢?How can you eat such tasteless food?

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没盐的汤怎能入口?All soup would be tasteless without it!

这是一杯白开水,平淡无味,对吧?This is a glass of water, tasteless , right?

因为这不只是一些无味的字。Because this is not only some tasteless words.

他们供应的面食冷而无味。The noodle they served was cold and tasteless.

白色透明,近于无色的无味凡士林油。White odorless, colorless and tasteless paraffinic oil.

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学生食堂的饭怎么总是这么没滋没味儿?Why is food at the student canteen always so tasteless?

那些四方形、没有品味的摊子出售糖果和香芋。Candy barscigarettes are sold from boxy, tasteless kiosks.

于是我就写了一篇空洞的、难看的、枯燥无味的、让我自己大倒胃口的3—8式文章。I wrote a bland, ugly, boring, tasteless 3.8 paragraph paper.

烤牛肉与平素无味的饭菜比起来实在是一种让人欣喜的变化。Roast beef is a welcome change from the usual tasteless food.

那些四方形、没有品味的摊子出售糖果和香芋。Candy bars and cigarettes are sold from boxy tasteless kiosks.

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她是个喜怒无常的人,而且喜欢开粗俗的玩笑。She is a temperamental person and likes to make tasteless jokes.

希望他们能找到一把沙哑得有点味道的嗓子吧。Let’s hope they find one that is grating without being tasteless.

他在吃过几口这无味的食品后便潸然泪下。The king eats a few tasteless mouthfuls , then bursts into tears.

心情坏到极点了,吃什么都寡淡无味。I was in such a terrible mood that everything was tasteless to me.

甲烷是一种无色无味的气体,大家都知道这是一种天然气。An odorless, colorless, tasteless gas that you know as natural gas.

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这座老城的市容越来越多地被庸俗的新建筑物破坏了。The old city is increasingly disfigured by tasteless new buildings.

它是无色无味,它可以流动,我们渴了可以喝。It 's colourless tasteless. It can flow. we drink it when we thirsty.

我们习惯于谴责媒体的行为是无味的、笨拙的。We're used to press behaviour being decried as tasteless or tactless.