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说着递给她一张纸巾。I hand her a tissue.

拿些面纸来。Get some tissue paper.

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请拿一些面纸。Please get some tissue.

以纸巾拭除残留在面上的按摩霜。Gently wipe off with a tissue.

我需要一张面纸来擤鼻涕。I need a tissue to blow my nose.

此外,它能够还原组织。In addition, it restores tissue.

血液滋养着机体组织。The blood feeds the body tissue.

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我知道,你能帮我拿张面纸吗?I know. Can you hand me a tissue?

我一边拿纸巾擤鼻涕一边问他。I ask as I splutter into a tissue.

他开始用薄纱揩拭起来。He began cleaning them with tissue.

改变之后的棕色组织不会再生。The brown tissue never regenerates.

你要张纸巾吗?还是要个勺子?Can we get Vol a tissue? Or a spoon?

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肿瘤平扫成软组织密度。Sweep a soft tissue tumor flat density.

女性的骨组织要少于男性。Women have less bone tissue than do men.

用过的纸巾请丢入垃圾桶。Put your used tissue in the waste basket.

且试验组肺组织水肿明显轻微。Morever, histologic tissue edema was mild.

她顿了一下,用面纸擦拭了一下眼睛。She paused to dab at her eyes with tissue.

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血液已渗入了组织中。The blood has infiltrated into the tissue.

构成年轮的组织被称为木质部。Tree rings are made of tissue called xylem.

骨组织结构破坏。Bone tissue disarrangement of the structure.