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我成了一个已定罪的全国重犯。I'm a convicted federal felon.

他被判为重罪犯。He was convicted to be a felon.

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那名重罪犯试图从监狱中逃跑。That felon tried to escape from the prison.

我的谎言不会使另一个人成为48个州的罪犯。My lie didnt make one of us a felon in 48 states.

当重罪嫌犯的所最所为,就算无罪的双手也未必清白。And the white-handed is not clean in the doings of the felon.

有时候他会忽略说他是被判有罪的重罪犯。Sometimes he neglects to mention that he is a convicted felon.

希特勒的早期“胜利”,只不过是一个死心塌地的恶棍出人意料地抢掠得手而已。Hitler's early "successes" were only the startling depredations of a resolute felon.

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自第一次发表后,弗隆已迅速成为社会学的经典犯罪。Since its first publication, The Felon has quickly become a classic of criminal sociology.

破坏界桩、界碑罪是刑法典中的一个重要罪名。The boundary tablets and boundary makers sabotage crimes are very felon charges in the criminal code.

最后一个与警卫队开火的事件与一名打算开车杀人的暴徒有关。Another felon caused the final shooting incident involving Guardsmen when he attempted vehicular homicide.

警方已经确认凶手是29岁的凯文·提利,一位4次被判重罪的老油条。之前帕克已经和他交往了6个月。Police identified him as Calvin Tillie, 29, a four-time convicted felon whom Parker had dated for six months.

他能颁布王室赦免令或者减刑令,但是他通常只在罪犯在监狱服刑后才这样做。He is able to grant royal pardons and reduce sentences but usually only after the felon has served time in jail.

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危险驾驶肇事罪的性质是行政违反结果加重犯。The dangerous driving cause troubling crime's nature is the administration violates the result to add the felon.

由于谋杀企图发生在街道,罪犯在愤怒的群众扑击下立即被制服。The attempted murder being committed on the street, the felon was instantly overpowered under a rush of furious spectators.

警方怀疑史蒂维·玛丽·维吉尔把枪交给了涉嫌枪杀克莱门茨的枪手伊凡·埃贝尔,伊凡是一名重犯,在上周得克萨斯州的枪战中死亡。Police expect Stevie Marie Vigil gave the gun to Clements alleged killer, Evan Ebel, a felon who died last week during a shootout in Texas.

普密蓬国王在泰国很受尊重。他能颁布王室赦免令或者减刑令,他通常只在罪犯在监狱服刑后才做。King Bhumipol Adulyadej is highly revered in Thailand. He is able to grant royal pardons and reduce sentences but usually only after the felon has served time in jail.

值得注意的是,他在第一轮选举中击败了贝吉奇,并要求对判决提出上诉,寻求以罪犯身份重返参院。Remarkably, he actually appeared to have beaten Mr Begich after the first count, and having tied his conviction up in the appeals courts, looked set to return to the Senate as a convicted felon.