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帮孩子找一些不那么霸道的朋友。Find less domineering friends.

他是一个飞扬跋扈的人。He is a domineering sort of fellow.

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我认为她盛气凌人、飞扬跋扈。I think she was arrogant, domineering.

她说你跋扈横蛮。She said you were domineering and rude.

我喜欢科比只因为他的霸气跟王者风范!I like Kobe because of his domineering and demeanor!

漂亮就这样成为我的增高剂,培养了我的霸气。Beautiful increased so as my agent, my domineering culture.

他们发现,强制的力量并不总是来自专横的父母。Coercion doesn't always come in the form of domineering parents.

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男孩比秦奋大一岁,又身强力壮,很霸道。Boys a year older than the Qin-fen, but also able-bodied, very domineering.

因为我们的恐惧、自负、焦虑和不安全感而变得专横。We become domineering because of our fears, egos, anxieties and insecurities.

这部剧的关键情节是挖掘小布什与他大权在握的父亲的微妙关系.The core of the psychodrama is Bush's relationship with his domineering father.

你有能力维护自己的权威,还是让盛气凌人的做派占据上风呢?Will you be able to retain your authority, or will the most domineering personality prevail?

还有,当他们踏上社会的时候,试着不要太跋扈或好奇。In addition, try not to become too domineering or curious when it comes to their social life.

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最后一天,她托辞不肯坐进他那辆摩托车的挎斗.,于是他扮演了盛气凌人的大男子汉角色。When she excused herself from riding with him on the last day he played the domineering male.

不像其他欧洲领导人那样,她既没有超凡的魅力,也没有灿烂的智慧,她也不擅权弄权。Unlike other European leaders, she is neither charismatic, nor flashily intellectual, nor domineering.

我特别钟爱以虎为首的猫科动物,他们的幽秘气质和霸气是让人神往的。I especially love the tiger cats, led, and their temperament and domineering You Mi is the fascination.

撑着怎么“霸气”的雨伞,和自己心仪的对象,在雨中漫步好不惬意呀!Insisted on how "domineering" umbrella, and his favorite object, it really pleasant walk in the rain it!

他一看到藏獒威猛霸气的雄姿,就被迷住了,请求父亲给他买一条。He saw possession of a mighty domineering attitude, it was fascinated, he requested his father to buy one.

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关起房门,私人空间里的近距离接触让狮子要求多多甚至专横跋扈。Behind closed doors when it comes to getting up close and personal Leo can be demanding and even domineering.

一个孤独的女人照顾她的父亲父亲被推到边缘,当她的过去的一个数字重新进入她的生活。A lonely woman caring for her domineering father is pushed to the brink when a figure from her past re-enters her life.

由此,路易十三既有细腻优雅的表现,更有充满霸气的王者般的吸引力。As a result, Louis XIII of the performance of both the elegant and delicate, more full of domineering of the regal appeal.