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因为琐罗亚斯德是一神论者,阿胡玛兹达是唯一的神。For Zoroaster was a monotheist, for whom Ahuramazda was the One god.

在一刹那,我毫无疑问地确信美赫巴巴就是琐罗亚斯德。In a split second, I was convinced beyond doubt that Meher Baba is Zoroaster.

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琐罗亚斯德说,我诞生后一千年你们会看见一颗星星在天空中。Zoroaster said, One thousand years after my birth you will see a star in the sky.

做好事的动机看上去似乎在琐罗亚斯德的信息里面是十分强烈的。This motive for doing good seems to be the strongest available to Zoroaster in his message.

即使是希腊时期,琐罗亚斯德的名字是代表神秘的东方智慧。Ever since ancient Greek times the name of Zoroaster has stood for mysterious Eastern wisdom.

然而,二元论的法则在琐罗亚斯德之后的随后时期以一种敏锐的方式出现。The dualist principle, however, reappears in an acute form in a later period, after Zoroaster.

我出身于一个正统虔诚的琐罗亚斯德教家庭,因而只信奉主琐罗亚斯德。I came from an orthodox and devout Zoroastriano family and consequently was devoted only to Load Zoroaster.

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琐罗亚斯德的教导,正如上面所述,是以阿胡玛兹达为中心,是最高的神和值得崇拜。Zoroaster 's teachings, as noted above, centered on Ahura Mazda, who is the highest god and alone is worthy of worship.

依照琐罗亚斯德教的圣书“阿维斯陀”,琐罗亚斯德出生于波斯北部的阿塞拜疆。According to the 'Zend Avesta', the sacred book of Zoroastrianism , Zoroaster was born in Azerbaijan, in northern Persia.

琐罗亚斯德的教导很显然是受到他传教的地区的人民和宗教权威所反对。Zoroaster apparently was opposed in his teachings by the civil and religious authorities in the area in which he preached.

每一个这些棱椎的每一英寸都代表一个千禧年,或一千年,表明琐罗亚斯德是中间的表现。Each of these Pyramid inches represents one millennium, or 1000 years, showing that Zoroaster was the middle Manifestation.

从那时候起,下降的先知,比如波斯的琐罗亚斯德,印度的佛陀和西方的耶稣,通过光之父亲而传送上去。Ever since the fall prophets have been sent by the Father of Lights, such as Zoroaster in Persia, Buddha in India, and Jesus in the West.

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像一些学者所持有的一样,琐罗亚斯德在他的改革里面并没有废除所有的动物献祭,而是仅仅是禁止狂欢和令人兴奋的仪式。In his reform, Zoroaster did not, as some scholars would have it, abolish all animal sacrifice but simply the orgiastic and intoxicating rites that accompanied it.

那末,让他谦逊地和琐罗亚斯德精神沟通,并且在一切圣贤的自由影响下,跟耶稣基督精神沟通,然后,“让我们的教会”滚开吧。Let him humbly commune with Zoroaster then, and through the liberalizing influence of all the worthies, with Jesus Christ himself, and let "our church" go by the board.