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厉行节约在克莱斯勒公司是一件新鲜事。Austerity was a new idea at Chrysler.

我们已经进入厉行紧缩的时代。We have entered the Age of Austerity.

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苦修是通向解脱的唯一的道路。Austerity is the only path to attain liberation.

你知道,先生,自我摒弃中的简朴是美。You know, sir, austerity in self-abandonment is beauty.

“节俭”是韦氏词典选出的2010年度词汇。"Austerity" was Merriam-Webster's 2010 Word of the Year.

但是紧缩并不能够解决经济危机。But austerity would not solve the economic crisis either.

至少紧缩会让它们拥有比当前更多的希望。At least austerity would offer them more hope than at present.

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而且如果债务足够大,结果将会是接连几年的紧巴日子。Ifthe debt is large enough, the result willbeyears of austerity.

拯救存在于社会主义、节俭的美德和不结盟。Salvation lay in socialism, virtuous austerity and nonalignment.

在经济紧缩,金融得道升天的情况下,就业将很严峻。Employment will shrink in a financial spiral of economic austerity.

日渐老龄化的欧洲已经被经济增长缓慢和由德国主导的紧缩所束缚。An ageing Europe is gripped by slow growth and German-led austerity.

他说,希腊政府的财政紧缩计划就是一个例子。Arledge, citing the Greek government's austerity plan as an example.

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人们普遍认为,施行紧缩政策无异于政治上的剖腹自杀。The idea that imposing austerity is political hara-kiri is widely held.

当他们束紧裤腰带,简朴生活会波及到经济增长。When they tighten their belts, austerity ripples out and chokes growth.

美国紧缩新政的原因更为微妙,但并不令人吃惊。The reasons for the new American austerity are subtler, but not shocking.

一种是过于强调短期的财政紧缩而限制了增长。One is an overwhelming emphasis on short-term fiscal austerity over growth.

不过,欧洲财政紧缩还反映出对经济形势故意做出的错误诊断。But European austerity also reflected willful misdiagnosis of the situation.

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苏格拉底政府陷入困境恰是因为他没有同意减支紧缩措施。Jose Socrates' government fell because he could not pass austerity measures.

储蓄率上升,消费下降,政界关注赤字与紧缩。Consumption is down. The political world is focused on deficits and austerity.

齐普拉斯表示,经济紧缩已经在希腊造成了“人道主义危机”。Mr. Tsipras said that austerity had created a "humanitarian crisis" in Greece.