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同时这也为血管瘤的研究提供了很好的动物模型。This provides a good animal model for angioma research.

附一医院脑血管瘤介入治疗。Angioma interventional therapy in the First Affiliated Hospital.

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对肝掌和蜘蛛痣的发生机制进行初步的探讨。To explore the mechanism of liver palms and spider angioma initially.

蜘蛛痣或蜘蛛痣是另一种更严重的肝脏疾病的指标。Spider nevi or spider angioma are another indicator of more serious liver disease.

探讨脑内海绵状血管瘤的临床表现、影像学特点及治疗方法。To discuss the clinical manifestation, radiological features and treatment of cavernous angioma of brain.

樱桃血管瘤的自然疗法,可但是,你必须先了解的原因樱桃状血管瘤。Cherry angiomas natural treatments are available, however, you must first learn the cause of cherry angioma.

目的分析脑内和脑外海绵状血管瘤的临床和影像学特点。Objective To analyze the clinical and imaging features of intracerebral and extracerebral cavernous angioma.

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目的探讨脑海绵状血管瘤的MRI表现及诊断价值。Objective To probe manifestations of cerebral cavernous angioma on MRI image as well as their diagnostic value.

目的分析脑内海绵状血管瘤的CT和MRI影像学特点。Objective To analyze the CT and the MRI features of cerebral cavernous angioma and evaluate diagnostic accuracy.

目的分析平阳霉素联合氟美松药物介入治疗眼眶静脉瘤的效果。Objective To find out the effect of intervention therapy with pingyangmycin and dexamethasone on orbital veinous angioma.

目前并无台湾地区的流行病学研究,同时也缺少治疗方面的准则。There is a lack of epidemiological reports on tufted angioma among Taiwanese and also a dearth of therapeutic guidelines.

脊髓海绵状血管瘤是一种少见的脊髓髓内血管畸形,常致严重的脊髓损害。Spinal cavernous angioma is a rare type of intraspinal vascular malformation, often lead to severe damage of the spinal cord.

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结果SWI在海绵状血管瘤,能鉴别出血与血管发现更多的的小出血灶。Results SWI can distinguish the hemorrhage from the blood vessel and discover the smaller hemorrhage stoves of the angioma cavernosum.

结论脑海绵状血管瘤T1WI、T2WI显示信号多样,但具有特征性。Conclusion Cerebral cavernous angioma manifests a wide variety of intensities on T1WI and T2WI, and imaging features are characteristic.

目的探讨新一代外科导航系统作为神经外科显微手术的辅助工具,治疗脑内海绵状血管瘤的临床效果。Objective To explore the clinical advantages of employing new navigational devices during neurosurgical procedures in the surgery of intracranial cavernous angioma.

虽然簇集样血管瘤病理学上属于良性肿瘤,临床上生长的部位和持续增生的特性,仍可能造成功能及外表的缺陷。Although histologically benign, tufted angioma may be disfiguring because of the disease's potential for infinite proliferation and a predilection for the head and neck.

用雄鸡冠模拟血管瘤作实验,显微镜检见皮肤浅层血管或血窦闭塞或消失。External application of CAA on angioma resulted in the obliteration or disappearance of the lumen and blood sinus in the corium and subcutaneous layer histopa- thologically.

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方法在32例脑内海绵状血管瘤手术中,应用美国枢法莫-丹历公司最新一代外科导航系统进行病灶定位。Methods An infrared navigation system with integrated microscope guidance as used for frameless intracranial neuronavigation in the surgery of 32 patients with intracranial angioma.

方法在32例脑内海绵状血管瘤手术中,应用美国枢法莫-丹历公司最新一代外科导航系统进行病灶定位。Methods An infrared navigation system with integrated microscope guidance was used for frameless intracranial neuronavigation in the surgery of 32 patients with intracranial angioma.