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这是一门重炮。This is a heavy artillery piece.

炮火掩护着我们。The artillery gave us covering fire.

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炮兵轰隆隆地发出十九响礼炮。The artillery boomed a 19-gun salute.

那么,藏在后面的是重炮So, held back here the heavy artillery.

管弦乐团中的重炮是什么The heavy artillery in the orchestra is what?

朝军的炮兵火力足以掀翻汉城North Korea could flatten Seoul with Artillery

返工炮兵范围和时间重新加载。Reworked the artillery ranges and time reloads.

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空袭,大炮和坦克轮番上阵。Air strikes, artillery and tanks have been used.

敌人用重炮轰击这个地区。The enemy pounded the area with heavy artillery.

接踵而至的是大规模的炮战。Then had come the great battles of the artillery.

为一架或更多架大炮而设的炮兵阵地。An emplacement for one or more pieces of artillery.

二炮部队已减少至电池8。Artillery units have been reduced to 8 per battery.

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这次他的任务是阻止敌人的入侵行动。He has to halt the enemys heavy artillery movement.

炮兵火力比步兵大。The artillery has more firepower than the infantry.

今天,伊拉克大炮攻击了法奥港。Today the Iraqi artillery attacked the Al-Fao port.

我方炮兵部队的炮火向他们的炮艇扫射。The fire of our artillery troops raked their gunboat.

野战炮队正在待命,他们的炮都已装在前车上了。A brigade of field artillery was waiting, limbered up.

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这里本来就是二战期间的炮兵训练场地。It was an artillery training area during World War II.

飞机、舰船、大炮炮轰敌人港口。Planes, ships, and artillery bombarded the enemy port.

台湾炮兵部队向越南补给船开火。Taiwanese artillery fired on a Vietnamese supply ship.