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突尼西亚人民终于活在自由之中。The Tunisian people can finally live in freedom.

一个“有名的”突尼斯说唱歌手支持伊斯兰教法。A "celebrated" Tunisian rapper supports Shariah law.

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他们宣称,突尼斯的经济奇迹只是一种幻象。The Tunisian economic miracle was an illusion, they claimed.

撑持卡扎菲的戎行继续耗炸突尼斯边境沿线的这些地域。Pro-Gadhafi forces continued to shell areas along the Tunisian border.

她是突尼斯及埃及混血儿,但是在美国华盛顿长大。Society. I'm half Tunisian and half Egyptian, but I was raised mostly in.

安纳巴阿尔及利亚东北部一城市,位于地中海沿岸靠近突尼西亚边界。A city of northeast Algeria on the Mediterranean Sea near the Tunisian border.

加努希代表突尼斯政府对江主席的来访表示热烈欢迎。Ghannouchi warmly welcomed Jiang's visit on behalf of the Tunisian government.

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突尼斯移民的问题引起巴黎和罗马之间的紧张关系。Tensions are rising between Paris and Rome over the issue of Tunisian immigrants.

不管将来发生什么,突尼斯和埃及的起义都有一个普遍意义。Whatever will happen, the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings have a universal meaning.

阿富汗钩针编织中,每一行包括两个部分,前进行和后退行。In Tunisian crochet, there are two parts included in every row which is FwP and RtP.

突尼斯总统本·阿里已于1月14日逃往沙特阿拉伯。Tunisian President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia on January fourteenth.

他说,突尼斯军方正考虑重新部署工作人员到难民区,但这可能要花上几周的功夫。He says the Tunisian army aims to relocate the workers to camps but this could take weeks.

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去年,在意大利山麓地区,一名穿戴罩袍的突尼斯妇女被处以罚金€500。Last year, a Tunisian woman was fined €500 for wearing a burqa in Italy's Piedmont region.

突尼斯总理穆罕默德·加努希宣布将对临时政府进行一次重大改组。Tunisian PM Mohammed Ghannouchi has announced a major reshuffle of the interim government.

突尼斯官员上月透露加尼姆出走,遭利比亚政府方面否认。Tunisian officials said last month, leaving Al-Ghanim, by the Libyan government has denied.

由于军队放弃支持国家元首,突尼斯和埃及的起义才取得了成功。The Tunisian and Egyptian revolts succeeded because the armies abandoned the heads of state.

在突尼斯总统本·阿里的政权被颠覆之后,2011年一月14日上传。Updated on Jan. 14, 2011, following the overthrow of Tunisian President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali.

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突尼斯的妇女在公共场所是可以抛头露面的,并且在专业人士阶层里也不乏优秀的代表。Tunisian women were highly visible in public spaces and well-represented in the professional class.

报道称,突尼斯总统扎因·阿比丁·本·阿里病情严重,在沙特一家医院中治疗。Former Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali is seriously ill in a Saudi hospital, reports say.

这些蜥脚类动物的骨架由玻璃纤维制成,在影片制作完成后被留在了突尼斯的沙漠中。These sauropod bones were made of Fiberglas, and left in the Tunisian desert after production wrapped.