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依字母顺序的。It's in alphabetical order.

我已把我的激光唱片按字母顺序排列好了。I've arranged my CDs in alphabetical order.

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您要我依字母顺序归档吗?。Do you want me to file them in alphabetical order?

我们把汇编文件按名称的字母顺序排列。We arrange the files in alphabetical order by name.

请把这些书按字母顺序整理一下。Please sort out these books in the alphabetical order.

你要我依字母顺序把这些报告归档吗?Do you want me to file the reports in alphabetical order?

这里的卡片按作者的字母顺序排列。The catalogues here are in alphabetical order by the author.

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字母词是汉语一种新的构词方式。Alphabetical word is a new word-formation in Chinese language.

工作需求是按副标题的字母顺序排列的。They jobs are listed in alphabetical order under the subheadings.

另一个有用的方法是按照字母表次序排列所有样式。Another useful method was to place all styles in alphabetical order.

将来我们将按照员工名字的字母顺序安排入厕时间。In the future, we will follow the practice of going in alphabetical order.

目录卡标明了图书的作者,书名,出版地点和年份。All the catalogues are in alphabetical order by author, title, and subject.

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一个按字母顺序排列指南语法和词汇的最常见的问题。An alphabetical guide to the most common problems of grammar and vocabulary.

这是最后一次,呆瓜,这些书要照字母顺序排列。For the last time, meathead, the books should arranged in alphabetical order.

图标是按字母顺序排列,但没有魔法,你必须这样做手工。Icons are in alphabetical order but there is no magic, you must do it manually.

排列中的其他歧义部分通过字母顺序来解决。The remaining ambiguity in the ordering is resolved by using alphabetical order.

著者索引中有按著者姓氏字母顺序排列的著录。The author index has entries arranged in alphabetical order of author's surnames.

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将下面这行内容添加到这个文件中,记住要按照字母顺序。Add the following line to this file, remembering to keep it in alphabetical order.

制作一个基本的字母序列的文件存档系统,为每一个工程或客户建立一个文件夹。Set up a basic alphabetical filing system with a folder for each project or client.

在所有五个挽歌建设的诗句如下一个字母安排。In all five elegies the construction of the verses follows an alphabetical arrangement.