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我绝不会就此罢休。Y yo no me lo callo.

这可说不准,劳拉。Eso no lo creo, Laura.

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你认识我还不足够。No me conoces lo suficiente.

你可以在地图上指给我看吗?Me lo puede mostrar en el mapa?

一钩罗袜行花阴。A hook line to spend Yin Lo socks.

能给老夫也瞧瞧么?Can give antique male is the lo lo also?

卢维中老师是一位基督徒老师。Mr. Wai-chung LO is a christian teacher.

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现在,你瞧,这又是另一个致命的唱段。Now, lo and behold, another deadly episode.

劳永乐是感染及传染病专科医生。Dr Lo is a specialist in infectious diseases.

它也被广泛应用在化妆用品和食品行业中。It i lo widely ued in coetic nd food product.

看吧,他的头也粘上去了。But, lo and behold, his head got stuck as well.

一边说着,一边去瞧明兰。Simultaneously say, part go to lo clear orchid.

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哎呦看看,这些家伙找到了28个反质子。Lo and behold , these guys found 28 antiprotons.

戴着帽子的小狗看着小猫,他在等着得到那个笼子。He's waiting to get the cage, Hey lolly lolly lo.

好像,罗委和曾扬是同一天的生日。Maybe Lo and Zeng Yang lived a same birthday day.

会长罗祥安与其家人共享天伦乐。Chairman Tony Lo had a happy time with his family.

卢太多谢你介绍钟医生给我。Mrs. Lo thank you for introducing me to Dr. Chung.

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如有任何问题,请致电2987-4569与卢先生联络。For any enquiry, please call Jimmy Lo on 2987-4569.

如有任何问题,请致电2987-9018与卢先生联络。For any enquiry, please call Jimmy Lo on 2987-9018.

卢大师说,“他的长期运势呈下降趋势。”"His long-term fortune is on the decline," Lo said.