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这种明澈就是力量。This clarity is strength.

你有澄澈的光。You have clarity of light.

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你有澄澈的光。Do you have clarity of light.

应用像素贴紧技术使得文本更清晰More clarity with Pixel Snapping

我爱这咸涩海水的清澈明净。I like the clarity of salt water.

另一种是左为清晰。The other is left out for clarity.

优化与简明性是相悖的。Optimization is the enemy of clarity.

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他赐予我充满远见的思想。He bestows a far-seeing clarity of mind.

这种推理传统而明晰。The reasoning is classic in its clarity.

世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。That article things clarity all learning.

本文章已经被明确校阅过。The article has been revised for clarity.

此番高票通过的结果让人惊讶。The clarity of the outcome is a surprise.

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对于那些弥足珍贵的清明时刻。When you get those rare moments of clarity.

SI1等级表示其净度高于SI2等级。SI1 denotes a higher clarity grade than SI2.

VS1等级表示其净度高于VS2等级。VS1 denotes a higher clarity grade than VS2.

宏在汇编程序中的一个常见用途是提高代码的清晰度。A common use of macros in assembly is clarity.

这样做只是为了一致性和清晰。This is done for consistency and clarity only.

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VVS1等级表示其净度高于VVS2等级。VVS1 denotes a higher clarity grade than VVS2.

简单使你清透,使你内心宁静。Simplicity gives you clarity and peace of mind.

在这个问题上,我们一定要有一个明确交代。We have to have complete clarity on that issue.