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做礼拜和看马戏相比,算不了什么。Church ain't shucks to a circus.

但是没用的,上帝不读报纸的。But shucks , the Lord don't don't read the paper.

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太糟糕了,我还没有机会听到,那歌就被从网上撤掉了。Shucks ! I didn't get a chance to hear it before the label pulled it off the web.

么!之类的废话后,你会发现骑自行车在他们的生活中是扮演着多大的一个角色。All of the "aw, shucks" stuff, you'll discover how big a role cycling plays in their lives.

哎呀,该说的都让你们说了,我在最后可吃了大亏了。Shucks , what should have been said you have already said, by being last I already suffer losses.

一旦你经过了所有“噢,什么”等废话的调查后,你将会发现骑自行车在他们的生活中是扮演着多大的一个角色。Once you probe past all of the "aw, shucks " stuff, you'll discover how big a role cycling plays in their lives.

一旦你经过了所有“噢,什么”等废话的调查后,你将会发现骑自行车在他们的生活中是扮演着多大的一个角色。Once you probe past all of the "aw, shucks " stuff, you will discover how big a role cycling plays in their lives.

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小组只得卸下甲胄迈步进入了礼堂,礼堂里坐满了一本正经西装笔挺或是职员打扮的男人,还有包着头的女人,。The group shucks its body armor and marches into an auditorium filled with poker-faced men in su its or clerical garb and women with covered heads.

鸡蛋煮熟后剥去壳,同沙参加清水煮一小时左右,加糖调味,饮汤食蛋。EggHousing shucks after thoroughlying cook, attend clear water to boil one hour or so with sand, add candy to flavor, water boiling water eats an egg.

而在这只新视频中,鲨鱼喵没有追着小鸭子到处跑,而是慢悠悠在享受厨房兜风的乐趣,背景中还有它的主人在剥玉米。But instead of hungrily chasing a baby duckling, CatShark appears just to be on a kitchen joy ride in this new video as his owner shucks corn in the background.