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他们宣誓这将是一场毁灭以色列的战争。They vowed to wage a war of extermination.

社会环境的好坏对灭蝗效果有很大影响。Environment had a great effect in locusts extermination.

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他们确实相信留下来需冒着斩草除根的风险。They truly believed that to remain was to risk extermination.

为了消灭蚊子,所有的门窗都被封闭起来了。All doors and windows are sealed for the extermination of mosquito.

下面列出了一系列使用简单工具的小强消灭术。The following is a list of roach extermination techniques using simple tools.

在我看来,威胁最大的莫过于物种的灭绝。The most threatening change, from my perspective, is extermination of species.

我不把你称为人,而称为“货物”,我不说谋杀,而说“根除”Instead of people you could use terms like "cargo," instead of murder, extermination.

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扑灭者,根除者扑灭者,根除者,尤指以消除害虫为业的人。One that exterminates, especially one whose occupation is the extermination of vermin.

而李的急于“进剿”对拜上帝会恐更为不利。Li's itch for extermination was even more unfavorable to the Society of God Worshipers.

斯坦格尔出生在奥地利,曾经是索必泊和特布凌卡灭绝集中营的指挥官。Born in Austria, Stangl was a commandant of the Sobibor and Treblinka extermination camps.

最广为人知的处死吸血鬼的方法就是木桩穿心。Staking a vampire through the heart has been the most popularized method of extermination.

Defra现在开始的对和尚鹦鹉的清除计划是作为一种预防措施。Defra has now initiated an extermination programme against monks as a preventative measure.

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通过这种方法,人们乐成骗过了玉皇大帝,人类也因此逃过灭尽的危险。By successfully tricking the Jade Emperor in this way, humanity was saved from extermination.

难道第三帝国,阿尔伯特施佩尔,师父真不知道纳粹灭绝营?Did the master builder of the Third Reich, Albert Speer, really not know about the Nazi extermination camps?

北周经济的发展,对结束我国魏晋南北朝近四百年来的分裂割据状况有重要意义。Extermination of Sui Dynasty. The rapid economic growth of Northern Zhou Dynasty is of great significance for.

最后,当新任妖王葛千户想吃了胡巴斩草除根之时,出人意料的事情发生了。Finally, when the new Lich King Ge 1000 want jehubbah extermination when things happen, beyond all expectations.

对于黑人的奴役和美洲原住民的消灭,他提出怎样的批评?What judgments does he offer about the enslavement of blacks and the extermination of Native Americans in America?

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20世纪犹太人的经历包含了纳粹把大部分欧洲犹太人加以消灭或对他们进行“大屠杀”。Jewish experiences in the 20th century have included the Nazi extermination or "holocaust" of most of European Jewry.

大多数英国人并不知道当前战争对德国和波兰犹太人的赶尽杀绝。Many English people have heard almost nothing about the extermination of German and Polish Jews during the present war.

而且发达国家大规模爆发肠道疾病的可能性很小,使共栖菌被消灭的危险性也大大降低。Widespread outbreaks of intestinal disease are so rare that the commensal bacteria face little danger of extermination.