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他有轻度耳鸣,并且听力稍减。He had mild tinnitus, and slightly decreased auditory acuity.

触觉和听觉的刺激可诱发惊厥和角弓反张。Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opisthotonos.

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三项实验都有视觉、听觉两种呈现方式。All of the three experiments include visual vs. auditory in-put mode.

比如,我几乎没有筛选听觉信息的能力。For example, I have almost no ability to filter auditory information.

证实乌鳢听觉敏感区处于较低频率区。So the auditory sensitive district is in the range of lower frequency.

脑瘤会引起听觉和视觉上的幻觉。Brain tumors have been knowen to cause auditory and visual hallucinations.

能够将一幅画勾勒出味觉和听觉享受那就更棒了。Rounding the picture out with some taste and auditory input is even better.

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本文综述脉冲调制微波的听觉效应及其作用原理。This paper Summarizes microwave auditory effects and mechanisms of interaction.

如果你觉得把它图像化很难,也可以用上述办法把它听觉化。If you have trouble visualizing, you can also do the above in an auditory fashion.

或者,结合视觉和触觉学习方式,大声地读出所写的事情。Reading things aloud to yourself combines the visual and auditory learning styles.

本篇主要探究视听觉障碍儿童的基本认知能力。This paper mainly probed cognitive abilities of visual or auditory impaired children.

目的探讨驾驶疲劳对于听觉非随意注意的影响。Objective To investigate effects of driving fatigue on auditory involuntary attention.

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目的探讨鼓室成形术听力疗效的相关影响因索。OBJECTIVE To study the relative factors affecting auditory effects after tympanoplasty.

结论驾驶疲劳后听觉非随意注意能力下降。Conclusion The ability of auditory involuntary attention declines after driving fatigue.

外耳道在解剖学上划分为水平耳道和垂直耳道两个分部。The auditory canal has 2 anatomical divisions, being the horizontal and vertical canals.

结论该听神经病聋儿的言语训练有确切的效果。Conclusion Speech training really has good effects on this child with auditory neuropathy.

论文根据目前应用较为广泛的听觉模型,提出了模型中各部分的逆变换。This paper presents the inverse transform of each stage of one widely used auditory model.

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而那些“听觉系”的人最好的学习手段是听,他们更经常在脑袋里和自己说话。Those who are auditory learn best by hearing, and "talk" to themselves more in their minds.

结论AMK可损伤豚鼠耳蜗毛细胞,导致听功能下降。Conclusions AMK can damage the cochlear hair cells, leading to decline in auditory function.

这种听觉皮层和杏仁体之间的互动发生得如此之快,以至于顷刻之间就消失了。This interaction between the auditory cortex and amygdala happens so fast as to seem instant.