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啊,这是和天狼星的高级祭司有关系的。Ah, well this has to do with the Sirian High Priests.

这种人类是天狼星文明播种于地球的。Such humans were seeded upon earth by the Sirian human civilization.

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你可以从天狼星提升课程中学到为什么这是不明智的。One can learn from the lessons of Sirian ascension why this is not wise.

唉可是,松仁将大师们调谐到一个天狼星梦想而非一个地球梦想。Alas, the pine nuts attuned the Grand Masters to a Sirian dream and not a dream of Terra.

人类继承了延迟业力的倾向,就象他们的昴宿星及天狼星祖先一样。Humans inherited a propensity of deferring karma much like their Pleiadian and Sirian ancestors.

这么做,大师就承担了天狼星的黑暗、痛苦和疾病,除少数人外,大师几乎全部死亡。In so being, the Grand Masters took on Sirian darkness of pain and disease and all but a few perished.

这些动物从天狼星主人那里逃走,在野外继续繁衍兴盛直到今天。Such animals escaped their Sirian owners and continue to reproduce and thrive unto this day in the wild.

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天狼星或地球基本语言中的“爱”这个词翻译到昂宿星和猎户座语言是“恨”。The word "love" in Sirian or earth based language translates into "hate" in Pleiadian or Orion language.

昂宿星人带着锋利的和尖边的语言,天狼星语言是流动的和圆形的。The Pleiades hosts languages that have sharp and pointy edges, whereas Sirian language was fluid and round.

这保证了种族的存活,是天狼星对最起始播种人类的程序的一部分。This insures the survival of the species and was a part of the Sirian programming of the original seeded nations.

我们也是天狼星上、以天狼星灵性精英层一方,灵性知识错误管理的结果。We are also the result of the mismanagement of spiritual knowledge upon Sirius and on the part of the Sirian Spiritual Elite.

采用的是大角星和天狼星的结构,是许多晶形的有机混合,浸有白金和黄金的合金。The were of Acturian and Sirian construct, a living amalgam of many crystalline forms imbued with an alloy of platinum and gold.

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如果你是白人并拥有远古的红族遗传,你很有可能具有混合的昴宿星和天狼星的思想形态。If you are white and of red nation ancient inheritance, you most likely have mixed genetics of Pleiadian and Sirian thought-form.

在事后我们充分地扭曲,我们的语言变异,而确实我们的天狼星家庭没有听到我们求助的哭泣。In hindsight we had distorted enough that our language had mutated and indeed our Sirian family could not hear our cries for help.

地球上的人类和现在的肉体们正做着你们的天狼星祖先在他们提升的当时未去做的事。Humans upon earth and in present time physicality are doing what one's Sirian ancestry failed to do at the time that they ascended.

Ramtha的有关叙述,其实是关于人类在太空船实验室被孵化,而后由天狼星科学家将其播种到地球上的故事。The recount of Ramtha was really about humans incubated in a spacecraft laboratory and then seeded upon Earth by Sirian scientists.

地球将要被用来当作一个极化不想要的黑暗和核裂变业力的地方,那是在天狼星的提升中从来没有得到转化过的东西。Earth was to be used as a place to polarize unwanted darkness and fission karma that was never to be transmuted in Sirian ascension.

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这就留下一个潜在与内在的拒绝与分离感,根植在最初天狼星人所播种的人类中。This leaves an underlying and internal sense of rejection and separation that is inherent in the original Sirian seeding of mankind.

如此的存在状态是来自天狼星种族的大脑袋大师的运作状态。Such a state of being was the manner that the Grand Masters with large heads originally seeded upon earth from the Sirian race operated.

他们的业力延迟曾导致了地球的一次下跌,现在,这类舞蹈的业力归还是为了在天狼星舞蹈中体验一次下跌。Their deferral of karma caused a fall upon earth, and now the karmic return of such a dance is to experience a fall in the Sirian dance.