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精神病是由于自然或培养?Is psychopathy due to nature or nurture?

介绍了精神病和反社会行为的科学事实。Presents the scientific facts of psychopathy and antisocial behavior.

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研究人员对80名囚犯的精神病程度进行了测试。Researchers tested 80 prisoners to gauge their levels of psychopathy.

在这种情况下,得分高的精神病患反应较小。In that case, those scoring high in psychopathy had a lesser reaction.

为了得到答案,他们召集了67个囚犯检测他们精神病态的情况。To find out, they recruited 67 prisoners and tested them for psychopathy.

本猫脑有贵恙,非精神病专科医师请勿靠近。This CAT has seriously Psychopathy , KEEP OFF unless you are a Psychopathy Specialist.

冷酷无情的资本主义正是精神疾病的物质表现。Capitalism, perhaps at its most remorseless, is a physical manifestation of psychopathy.

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不接收精神病、传染性疾病及严重皮肤病患者入住。We don't accept people with psychopathy , infectious diseases and serious skin diseases.

这意味着在心理变态上得分高的个体更擅长选择受害人。This means that individuals that score higher for psychopathy are better at selecting victims.

汉拉罕宣读了一份描述精神变态特征的文件,并认为斯托符合其中多数条款。Hanrahan read off a list of traits associated with psychopathy and said he believes most of them apply to Stowe.

如果坏男孩们在同一个地方、同一群人中待太久,他们的“变态”心理就会暴露无遗。If bad boys stay in one place and among the same group of humans for too long their psychopathy will be exposed.

在这里被诊断出更极端的精神病表现出更大程度的异常。People who had been diagnosed with more extreme psychopathy showed greater degrees of abnormality in this tract.

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整体结果证实了在心理变态分数和辨认受害人的正确度之间有很强的正相关关系。Overall results confirmed a strong positive correlation between psychopathy scores and accuracy of victim identification.

科学家们对100名受试者进行了性格测试以评估他们的黑暗性格,即权谋主义、自恋和精神病态。Scientists gave personality tests to more than 100 subjects to rate them for what's called Dark Triad trait—that's Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy.