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笑翠鸟又在哈哈大笑了!The kookaburra is laughing again!

翠鸟栖息在一棵老桉树上。Kookaburra sits on an lod gum tree.

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翠鸟坐在一棵老桉树上。Kookaburra sits on an old gum tree.

笑呀,翠鸟,笑呀,翠鸟。Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra.

如果你想过快乐的生活,就像翠鸟那样笑吧。If you want a happy life, laugh as Kookaburra does.

今天是笑翠鸟和臭鼬王国向你们问候。It is the Kookaburra and Skunk Kingdoms that greet you today.

“翠鸟”是一首澳大利亚歌曲,深受孩子们的喜爱。Kookaburra " is a well-loved children ' s song from Australia."

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笑翠鸟清脆的叫声响彻地球。The sound of the cackling kookaburra rang out across the earth.

阿鲁笑翠鸟的食性和大型笑翠鸟有所不同,其食物几乎都是昆虫。Aru kookaburra's diet and large kookaburra different, almost all of its food insects.

由于笑翠鸟是澳大利亚本地特有的一种鸟类,因此用‘鹏’字尤为贴切。Tesch believed Peng is particularly apt as the kookaburra is a native Australian bird.

他救了袋鼠孤儿,并帮助芬兰学习了解库克伯勒哭。He rescues an orphaned wallaby and helps Finn learn to understand the cry of the kookaburra.

据路透社报道,澳大利亚悉尼一只小翠鸟因太过肥胖,无法飞行,被送到动物园进行减肥训练。An Australian kookaburra bird is undergoing personal training after growing too fat to fly, Reuters reported.

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笑翠鸟被认为是澳洲的标志性鸟类之一,在悉尼奥运会上被当作吉祥物。Kookaburra Australia is considered a symbol of one of the birds, at the Sydney Olympic Games as a mascot was.

很多动物的土著名字,比如袋鼠、考拉、笑翠鸟都直接被用进了英语中。Many of the Aboriginal words for these animals, such as kangaroo, koala and kookaburra soon passed into the language.

笑翠鸟是一只大鸟。一些笑翠鸟有45厘米高。它们吃昆虫和虫子。它们不喝水。他们会笑。The kookaburra is a big bird. Some kookaburras are 45 centimeters tall. They eat insects and worms. They don't drink water. They can laugh.

现在每个清晨,在黎明破晓时分,笑翠鸟咕咕拉的狂笑声传遍澳洲,迎来新的一天。So now, every morning, as the dawn is breaking, the laugh of Gugurrgaagaa the Kookaburra can be heard all across Australia, bringing in the new day.

所以现在每个清晨,在黎明破晓时分,笑翠鸟咕咕拉的狂笑声能够传遍澳洲,迎来新的一天。So now, every morning, just as the dawn is breaking, the laugh of Gugurrgaagaa the Kookaburra can be heard all across Australia, bringing in the new day.

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笑翠鸟的身长可达45厘米,是体形最大的森林翠鸟,和大鱼狗同为体形最大的两种翠鸟之一。Kookaburra of up to 45 cm in length, is the largest body of the forest kingfishers, and the dog with the big fish to the largest body of one of the two kinds of kingfishers.

阿鲁笑翠鸟分布于新几内亚岛南部以及附近的阿鲁群岛,其外形很象蓝翅笑翠鸟,但是体型要小很多,身长大约33厘米。Aru kookaburra located in the southern island of New Guinea, as well as near the Aru Islands, and its shape is as blue-winged kookaburra, but much smaller size, length about 33 cm.