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纳粹国防军没有过冬的制服。The Wehrmacht had no winter uniforms.

凯瑟琳山口教会了美国人如何与德国国防军作战。Kasserine Pass would teach the Americans how to fight the Wehrmacht.

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国防军半履带喷火器升级价格从100弹药降低为75弹药。Wehrmacht Flammenwerfer upgrade cost reduced from 100 to 75 munitions.

国防军掷弹兵和突击兵不再属于同类单位。Axis Wehrmacht and Stormtroopers no longer use the same group selection.

国防军闪电学42型突击榴弹炮对步兵的杀伤范围略增。Wehrmacht StuH 42 weapon does marginally increased area damage to infantry.

一帮纳粹特工穿着短裤带着军帽降落在了福罗里达州。A group of Nazi agents landing in Florida wearing bathing trunks and Wehrmacht caps.

1939年9月1日,德国国防军从东、西、南三面入侵波兰。On September 1, 1939, the German Wehrmacht invaded Poland from east, west and south.

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也许在战场上铺满香蕉皮,国防军就会滑的滚瓜尿流。Maybe by littering the battlefield with peels so the Wehrmacht would slip hilariously on them.

国防军涅波威尔在被缴获后也能正确地通过老练减少发射间隔时间。Wehrmacht Nebelwerfer will properly get veterans modifiers to Ability recharge time when recaptured.

尽管国防军向瑞士佯攻制造攻势,但它从来没有试图入侵。Although the Wehrmacht feigned moves toward Switzerland in its offensives, it never attempted to invade.

在一座桥上,亨利看见一辆德军汽车和德大部队正通过这条河上游的一座大桥。In a bridge, Henry saw a car and the German Wehrmacht troops is the passage of the upper reaches of a river bridge.

德国军队服从命令,分别沿着两条路线进入南俄最遥远的纵深地带,朝着黑暗的命运前进。The wehrmacht obeyed, and marched off into the remotest depths of southern Russia on two separate roads to its sombre fate.

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在德国占领南斯拉夫之后,德军开设了贝尔格莱德广播电台,向驻扎在巴尔干和北非的德军广播。After Germany occupied Yugoslavia, the Wehrmacht opened Radio Belgrade to broadcast to its troops in the Balkans and North Africa.

特别行动部队跟着纳粹国防军进入乌克兰,他们的任务是扫清不利的政治和种族势力。Following Wehrmacht troops into Ukraine, the Einsatzgruppen would be responsible for liquidating political and racial undesirables.

如果1944年登陆诺曼底的美国人,英国人和加拿大人遇到的是1940年的德国国防军和空军,其结果可能会完全不同。Had the invading US, British and Canadians encountered the 1940’s Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe, the outcome may well have been different.

在没有遭到任何挑衅的情况下,1941年4月6日,德国国防军——第三帝国的武装力量——占领了希腊和南斯拉夫。Without having been provoked, the Wehrmacht — the Third Reich's armed forces — took over both Greece and Yugoslavia on April 6, 1941.

我父亲的同辈人中有几个参加过战争,他们中还有两三个人做过纳粹国防军的军官,一个做过近卫军军官。Several among our father had been in the war, two or three of them as officers of the Wehrmacht and one as an officer of the Waffen SS.

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如果对此有所怀疑,你该去访问格但斯克——七十年前的九月一日,希特勒的国防军从这里攻击波兰,并发动了第二次世界大战。Any skeptic who doubts this should visit Gdansk, where Hitler's Wehrmacht attacked Poland and started World War II on Sept. 1 70 years ago.

夺取了这个重要的字换就会动摇苏联的战争潜力,并且让国防军在战争中击败苏联。Denied this key source of fuel, Hitler believed the Soviet war effort would grind to a halt and allow the Wehrmacht to knock the USSR out of the war.

被盟军俘获的参加党卫军和德国国防军的法国战俘穿着德军制服站在自由法国部队第二装甲师司令菲利普·勒克莱尔将军面前。Captive Frenchmen from the SS and the Wehrmacht stand in front of General Leclerc, the commander of the 2nd Armored Division of the Free French forces.