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与隆线有关或类似于隆线。Relating to or resembling a carina.

但是吕萍认为刘嘉玲同样应该受到处罚。But Lu believes that Carina Lau is also culpable.

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船底座星系里独特的星云形状。Distinctive cloud formations in the Carina Nebula.

最快捷的方法,更是给了隆突麦克因斯它的真实。The Quickest Way to Get is to Give by Carina MacInnes It's true.

类似的史诗般恢宏战役正在船底星云的各恒星形成区进行着。Similar epic battles are being waged all over the star-forming Carina Nebula.

但是从最新的情况看来,似乎刘嘉玲并没有怀孕。However, from the latest case, it seems that there is no pregnancy Carina Lau.

哈勃空间望远镜提供了一幅船底座星云恒星喷流的图像The Hubble Space Telescope provided an image of a stellar jet in the Carina Nebula.

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因为两人工作繁忙再加上年龄的问题,刘嘉玲未能如愿怀孕。Due to their busy work schedules and advancing age Carina has been unable to become pregnant.

目的探讨老年股骨粗隆间骨折如何选择固定方法。Objective To discuss how to choose the fixation method for aged thighbone carina space fracture.

目的探讨更具临床应用价值的气管隆突替代手术。Objective To investigate if tracheal carina replacement method can be adopted in clinical practice.

辽阔的船底座星云被估计距南船底星座7500光年。The immense Carina Nebula is an estimated 7,500 light-years away in the southern constellation Carina.

由于此事件,有人称刘嘉玲很坚强,是个自信的美丽女人。Because of this incident, there are very strong person Carina Lau, is a beautiful self-confident woman.

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这是船底座星云,画面上恒星发育的地段宽50光年。This is the Carina Nebula, and the image represents a 50-light-year-wide swath of the star-birthing region.

船底星座中一颗恒星,距地球'50光年。是天空中第二颗最亮的星。A star, '50 light-years from Earth, in the constellation Carina. It is the second-brightest star in the sky.

刘嘉玲昨晚穿上白色性感贴身裙,既大露美背又以行动澄清自己未有怀孕。Carina Lau last night put on white sexy tight skirt, big dew back in action to clarify his were not pregnant.

这幅来自哈勃太空望远镜的图像显示老位于船底座星云的冰冻成柱状的氢和尘埃。These pillars of cold hydrogen and dust, imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope, are located in the Carina Nebula.

据了解,自从刘嘉玲和梁朝伟结婚后,他们一直没有“造人”成功。It was understood that since Carina Lau and Tony Leung got married they have been unable to conceive a baby together.

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梁朝伟、刘嘉玲将于本月21日完婚,婚礼地点定于不丹,引传媒关注。Tony Leung, Carina Lau will be 21 this month marriage, the wedding venue is scheduled to Bhutan, cited media attention.

包括M24和邻近的星团与恒星都是银河在人马臂,或是人马-船底臂的一部分。The stars, clusters and other objects comprising M24 are part of the Sagittarius or Sagittarius- Carina arms of the Galaxy.

至于嘉玲在台上所说的一番话,原来是一班好友绞尽脑汁一同合力度出来。The speech, which Carina Lau gave on the stage, was written by her friends. They had tried very hard in writing this speech.