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其凝集活性能被半乳糖和乳糖抑制。Lactose and galactose could inhibit the haemagglutination activity of snail agglutinin.

实验中所观察到的肾小球花生凝集素染色增强标志着神经氨酸被清除。An increased glomerular staining with Peanut agglutinin lectin, indicate of removal of neuraminic acid, was noted.

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实验中所观察到的肾小球花生凝集素染色增强标志着神经氨酸被清除。An increased glomerular staining with Peanut agglutinin lectin, indicative of removal of neuraminic acid, was noted.

在某些细胞系中,细胞表面抗原性或对表胚凝集素的反应方面有相近似的周期性变化。In some cell lines there is a similar periodicity in changes of cell surface antigenicity or response to wheat germ agglutinin.

在某些细胞系中,细胞表面抗原性或对表胚凝集素的反应方面有相近似的周期性变化。In some cell lines there is a similar periodicity in changes of cell surface antigenicity or response to wheat germ agglutinin.

结论利用毒腺解剖法能够获得最大量更高纯度的蛛毒,初步确定了蛛毒当中含有凝集素和磷脂酶两种成分。More qualified venom can be got by venom gland dissection. We initially know that venom contains phospholipase lectin and agglutinin.

分析了对花生凝集素的研究,特别是控制黄曲霉毒素以实现花生的贮藏与加工的安全。The study on peanut agglutinin was analyzed also, especially the control on aflatoxin to realize the security of preservation and processed.

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钩端螺旋体的保护性抗体和血清学特异性凝集抗体均为以外膜抗原为基础的免疫学反应。The protective antibody and the serospecific agglutinin against leptospires are immunological response to the surface antigen of leptospires.

此病人除有免淋的全部形态学三联症及异常蛋白血症外,还伴有乙型肝炎表面抗原血症及冷凝集素血症。The patient not only had all the morphologic triad of IBLD with dysproteinemia but also associated with HBsAg and cold agglutinin existing in his blood.

对各种动物精子发生与成熟过程中生精细胞表面凝集素受体的变化做了综述。The distribution and changes of agglutinin receptors in the plasma membrane of animal spermatogenetic cells during spermatogenesis and maturation were reviewed here.

本文用七种凝集素,以ABC法对子宫内膜增生过长和子宫内膜腺癌进行了糖基定位亲合细胞化学研究。Adenocarcinoma of endometrial and 3 type of endometrial hyperplasia were studied for their glycosyl—located affinity cytochemistry by ABC method with 7 kinds of agglutinin.

石蒜凝集素的纯化、性质及构象研究2。单子叶石蒜科植物朱顶红和风雨花甘露糖结合凝集素基因的克隆及序列分析。Study on Purification, Characterization and Conformation of Lycoris Radiata Agglutinin 2. Molecular Cloning and Analyzing of Agglutinin from Amaryllis Vittata and Zephyranthes Grandiflora.