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皮肤干燥?Dry skin?

我说干性皮肤。My skin is dry.

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我皮肤痒。My skin itches.

抚慰我的皮肤。Soothes my skin.

他的皮肤冰冰冷。His skin was cold.

为什么会晒黑?Why does skin tan?

我皮肤皲裂。I have chapped skin.

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滋润干燥的皮肤。Moisturize dry skin.

我的皮肤摸起来很粗糙。My skin feels rough.

她的皮肤真够细发的。She's got fine skin.

你皮肤晒得真好。Your skin tans well.

面部肌肤更是水水嫩嫩。Facial skin is water.

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拿一块饺子皮。Grab a dumpling skin.

你需要做皮试。You need a skin test.

他们的皮肤开始长痘痘。Their skin breaks out.

用事先皮肤白白净净的!With prior skin scrub!

但这会擦伤她的皮肤。And it chafes her skin.

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她的皮肤很容易擦破。Her skin chafes easily.

怎么治疗油性皮肤?How to treat oily skin?

我的皮肤很细嫩。I have a delicate skin.