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你在做什么呢?贝莉。What are you doing, Belle?

不,贝莉!我不会让你这么做的!No, Belle ! I won't let you do this!

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弗兰克跟你们去了贝尔。华丹宁家吗?Did Frank go with you to Belle Watling's?

Belle一边慢慢地小口抿着茶一边微笑。Belle smiled as she slowly sipped her tea.

在主日学校她是她们班的班花。She was the belle of her Sunday School class.

当其中一个士兵开始骂娘时,她彻底被激怒了,掏出手枪,立马毙了他。Belle pulled out a pistol and shot the man down.

我父母为我新买了条叫廷克·贝尔的狗。My parents brought a new dog named Tinker Belle.

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在这些鸨母中,贝尔-沃特琳是最臭名昭著的一个。Belle Watling was the most notorious of the madams.

韩国的美女都做过整容手术吗?。Has the belle of Korea become face-lifting operation?

不过,他说,如果你说的是整个城市……如果百丽岛只是计划的开端,我会支持它。If Belle Isle is the start of a plan, I'd support it.

阿尔奇正在把他搬到贝尔家附近的空地去。Archie's carrying him to the vacant lot near Belle 's.

见到美女就头晕,四肢无力,这是什么病啊?See the belle is giddy, limply , what disease is this?

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室内外冬鞋很舒服,保暖性好。Indoor and outdoor belle shoes very comfortable, warmth.

莉莉·沙弗拉2000年就把“美好年代”卖给了坎迪兄弟。Lily Shav'rar sold La Belle Epoque to the Candies in 2000.

Belle以及写她的人已经分开很久了。Belle and the person who wrote her had been apart too long.

贝儿跳到费力普的背上,跑出去找她的爸爸。Belle jumped onto Philippe and rode off to find her father.

几百人来到最近在贝尔·查斯举办的海鲜节。Hundreds came to a recent seafood festival in Belle Chasse.

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拉夫的计划是引诱美女回家,她所属。Rafe's plan is to seduce Belle back home where she belongs.

预祝天下第一气质美女情人节快乐!Wish the world a temperamental belle happy valentine's day!

安曾是校花,令无数男孩子为她着迷。Ann used to be a campus belle. Many boys were crazy about her.