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做一台“永动机”。Be a machine.

卡片机?Card machine?

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偷他的穿梭机。Steal his machine.

机噐老师说。Machine teacher said.

打包带机。Packing belt machine.

缝衣机马达“,”Sewing Machine Motor.

机器运转良好。The machine works well.

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他一整天都在调机。He tuned machine all day.

这台机器不灵了。The machine doesn't work.

制冰机在哪里?Where is the ice machine?

自动绕线机“,”Automatic Winding Machine.

它充当了时间机器。It acts as a time machine.

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语言学习机“,”Language Learning Machine.

机器运转平稳。The machine runs smoothly.

我们听到了机器声。We heard the machine whir.

时空穿梭机在哪?Where is the time machine?

目前冰机检查。Check ice machine if psent.

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放电加工机“,”Electric Discharge Machine.

它存在于一切机械运动中。It exists in every machine.

那就用那台复印机。Then use the xerox machine.