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古老的榆树林中鸽子的呢喃。The moan of doves in immemorial elms.

自古以来就是这样。It’s been like that since time immemorial.

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人们自古以来就梦想着永垂不朽。People have dreamt of immortality since time immemorial.

中国自古即有插花习惯,及特制的花器。Floral vessels have been made in China since time immemorial.

人权听起来就像是一个如此,久远的概念。Human rights seems like such a sort of time immemorial concept.

这种仪式不知从何时起一直传下来。Such ceremonies have been handed down to us from time immemorial.

自古以来,哈尼族妇女就是梯田养鱼的参与者。Since time immemorial , Hani women have participated in fish-raising.

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自古以来人们为了取乐就将身边的东西踢来踢去。People have been kicking objects around for fun since time immemorial.

平遥牛肉和太古饼是平遥最有名的小吃。Pingyao Beef and Immemorial Pies are the most famous snacks in Pingyao.

投资者落入谷底假象和熊市止跌回升的陷阱久已有之。False bottoms and bear market rallies have trapped investors since time immemorial.

龙是中华民族自上古以来一直崇尚的神异动物。Dragon is a deified animal worshipped by the Chinese people from the time immemorial.

但自古以来无数的惨痛教训,都足以证明这种念头是荒唐的。Yet numerous harsh lessons from time immemorial only prove the absurdity of this notion.

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在远古时代人们就产生了遨游太空的强烈愿望。Traveling in outer space has been a strong desire of the human race from time immemorial.

我们的祖先很早就在关中平原一带繁衍生息,辛勤劳动。Our ancestors lived and worked diligently on the Guanzhong Plain from the time immemorial.

而那些古老悠久的花已经成为所有仪式和节日中最主要的部分。Since time immemorial flowers have been an integral part of every celebration and festival.

每个中国人都熟稔春节期间要特别提防小偷行窃的观念。From time immemorial the advice has been to beware of pick-pockets during the Spring Festival.

在我们的内心深处被唤起的,就是那个久远的背景——古老的人类心理模式。What is stirred in us is that faraway background, those immemorial patterns of the human mind.

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你的教诲必然是我们的祖先自远古以来所教授的东西的延续。Your teaching is surely the continuation of what our ancients have taught since time immemorial.

在中国有传统的四大鬼节,在西方有古老的万圣节。In China, there are the Four Halloween Festivals while in Western, there is immemorial Halloween.

叶子是在最下面的,我不知道为什么,但从记事以来他们就是这么画树的,这也许就是为什么我们。And I don't know why, but since time immemorial that is the way computer scientists have drawn trees.