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为什么它能吸引你?Why does it captivate you?

你习惯于通过你产生共鸣的光亮让我着迷。You used to captivate me by your resonating light.

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巴黎的诱惑与魅力吸引了所有到此游玩的人。The allure and charm of Paris captivate all who visit there.

愤怒的小鸟持续着令全球智能手机用户着迷的热潮。The Angry Birds craze continues to captivate smartphone users across the globe.

现在,我接触了啦啦队,更为它独特的魅力深深着迷。After contacting cheering squad , I captivate deeply for it's idiographic charm.

儿子为这个女人神魂颠倒,全然不顾他父母的告诫。The son is so captivate with the woman that he does not heed his parents' warning.

现在你有了一切,你需要走出去迷住你顾客的心。Now you have everything you need go out there and captivate your audience of buyers.

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语速放慢、真实可信能引起听众的注意,并让他们更想听下去。Speaking slow and with conviction will captivate the audience and leave them wanting more.

我会先用钱迷惑住他们,然后再告诉他们我们要采伐森林。I would captivate them with money before telling them that we needed to deforest their land.

后来我才意识到我真正想找的地方应该是能令我心动的地方。Then, I realized that I actually was looking for a place that should be able to captivate me.

你习惯于通过你产生共鸣的光亮让我着迷。现在,我被你留在身后的生活所缚。You used to captivate me by your resonating light. Now I'm bound by the life you left behind.

那天让我们最震惊的是一部三星视频手机,这可能是最令我震惊的事情。Of all the shocking things we saw that day, perhaps the most shocking was a Samsung Captivate.

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但记住,你必须使你的话你强到美浓利益对象。But remember, you need to make your words strong to captivate the interest of your target audience.

然而她们用郁积的黑眼睛,柔滑细腻的皮肤和性感的身体完全迷住你的感官。But then with their smoldering dark eyes, silky smooth skin and sexy bodies they captivate your senses completely.

Captivate的厚度加上许多高科技特性使其成为一款很吸引人的手机。The thinness of the Captivate combined with lots of punch and high-end features make this a very attractive phone.

欧文读的第一章当然是关于足球的,太短了所以孩子们都不过瘾。The first chapter Owen read was of course about football and it didn't take long to captivate and enthral the kids.

他们的原料,中期和出色的家具版本着迷我们预先设想的家具设计是什么概念。Their raw, medium and well done furniture versions captivate our pre-conceived notions of what furniture design is.

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GUBA是领先的在线娱乐目的地,帮助你找到数字式内容,以达到娱乐享受的效果。GUBA is a leading online entertainment destination helping you find digital content that will entertain and captivate you.

毋庸置疑,你的才能将被上司注意到,你甚至会拥有比平时更多的能力来吸引权威人士。Your talents surely will be noticed by the boss, and you will have even more ability than usual to captivate authority figures.

妻子和老公公的性关系有足够的扭转力产生一种神秘的气氛,抓住观众的心。A relationship between wife and an old father-in-law has enough twist to create an atmosphere of mystery and captivate viewers' hearts.