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每天服用复合维生素。Take a multivitamin every day.

是一种会冒泡的综合维他命。It's an effervescent multivitamin.

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每天早上服用一粒多种维他命。Take a multivitamin every morning.

补充一些欧米伽-3或者多元维生素片。Take an omega- 3 supplement or multivitamin.

女性在经期中更需要补充多种维他命,并且,伴随年龄的增长,选择综合维生素试剂不失为一个好主意。And as you get older, taking a multivitamin is probably a good idea.

孩子的可口耐咀嚼的多种维生素食物和菜。Delicious chewable multivitamin for kids with whole foods and vegetables.

每天摄入多种维生素——要确保你吃的维生素适合你的性别和年龄。Take a Daily Multivitamin – Make sure you take the best vitamin for your gender and age.

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要获得每天所需维生素和矿物质,最简单的方法是食用多种维生素剂。The easiest way to get all your vitamins and minerals every day is to take a multivitamin.

目的建立离子对反相高效液相色谱法,用于测定复合维生素粉中维生素B_2和B_6含量。AIM To establish a method for determination of vitamin B_2 and vitamin B_6 in multivitamin powder.

在纽豪瑟的大型维生素研究也表明药物并不能提供任何对癌症的预防作用。In Neuhouser's enormous multivitamin study, that pill didn't offer any protection against cancer either.

既有研究并未显示每日服用复合维生素补剂就能预防慢性疾病。Review studies have not shown that taking daily multivitamin supplements will prevent any chronic disease.

不把多种维生素片放在厨房,而是放在咖啡壶边上,这样你就记得明天早上吃一粒了。Keep a multivitamin out on the kitchen counter right by the coffeepot so you remember to take one every morning.

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我是一个成年人,我有几个会忘了吃我的多种维生素,但这款钙我每天都会吃需。I'm an adult and I have a few every day in addition to my multivitamin to round out the calcium I need every day.

因此,为了弥补这一损失,老年女性应服用含维生素D和钙的综合性维生素试剂。To compensate for this loss, older women might consider taking a multivitamin containing both vitamin D and calcium.

每日服用多种维他命剂,补充含有镁、硒、维C、维E以及所有类型的维他命B等矿物质。A daily multivitamin and mineral supplement that includes magnesium, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E, and all the B vitamins

对于那些拥有健康饮食的人,根据包装说明服用复合维生素不会引起过量服用。For people who have a healthy diet, taking a multivitamin according to package directions won’t trigger a vitamin overdose.

此时通过吃含铁丰富的食物或复合维生素可能就好了。Low hemoglobin may be a temporary problem remedied by eating more iron-rich foods or taking a multivitamin containing iron.

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如果制造商是家利益至上的公司,那么其成分极有可能人造的而且便宜。If the multivitamin was developed by a company out to make a profit, the ingredients are probably going to be cheap and manmade.

另外,那些服用鱼肝油和复合维生素的人吸收太多的维生素A,增加他们骨质疏松的几率。And those who take fish oils as well as a multivitamin could be consuming too much vitamin A, raising their odds of brittle bones.

很多维生素制造商使用防腐剂及其它人造物质来作为维生素片中的填充物或营养物。Many of the multivitamin manufacturers use preservatives and other manmade substances as fillers or nutrients in the multivitamin.