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你为什么折磨你的美貌?Why do you haggle your beauty?

不要为了几元钱争价了。Let's not haggle over a few dollars.

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我喜欢参与杀价买卖露一手。I like joining every battle for a haggle.

当然,在这之后你还可以继续还价。And yes, after that you can haggle some more.

他宁愿被”宰”也不愿讨价还价。He preferred to be overcharged than to haggle.

我希望得到最好的价格,不要讨价还价。I expect their absolute best price possible and don't haggle.

在许多国家里买东西之前都得讨价还价。In many countries you have to haggle before you buy anything.

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很多人在砍价上犹豫是因为不想让别人看低自己。Many people hesitate to haggle because they don't want to seem cheap.

也就是说,例如——如果你愿意的话,你可以在市场买花的时候这样做。So, for example, if you want to, you could haggle at the market, buying some flowers.

试想下,你只在摩洛哥大街上购物或者买车时才讨价还价,那会怎样?Think you should haggle only when buying a car or shopping in the streets of Morocco?

可欣把金器拿到金饰店售卖,遇到为金饰价值斤斤计较的仲衡。Can we take gold to gold shop sells, meet to haggle over every ounce of ZhongHeng gold value.

这地盘和军队都是细枝末节。与其在拥有多少地盘和军队上斤斤计较,我们何不各党派联合起来呢?The turf and army are minor details. Rather than haggle over them, why not unify all the parties?

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他们有的在跟顾客讨价还价,有的在跟另外的摊贩闲谈地方新闻。They either haggle over prices with customers, or discuss the lasted gossip with other stallholders.

在地方政府推卸责任,争论着该如何处理时,这条河已经变得污秽不堪。As central and local government pass the buck and haggle over what should be done, the lake gets filthier.

当然,没必要在所有商品上还价,但你可以在某些商品上还一下价,你的钱夹会感谢你的。You don’t have to haggle on everything. But haggle where it makes sense, and your pocketbook will thank you.

所有的党派为了自己的利益而争执不休的朝会和其他较小的会议总是冗长的。Courts and lesser moots are lengthy affairs, at which all interested parties haggle over points of contention.

在与航空公司、酒店、保险公司进行讨价还价时,大公司拥有更强的议价能力。Bigger companies have more negotiating power when they haggle over prices with airlines, hotels and insurance companies.

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如果因为清贫,你整天要为鸡毛蒜皮的小事斤斤计较,你还怎么能是幸福的人呢?If because of moneyless you have to haggle over every ounce for every little thing all days , how could you be a happy person ?

司机们不停的从院子里进进出出,跟警察们讨价还价,为了注册盖章,人们把钞票在不同人的手里转来转去。Across the sprawling yard, drivers haggle with men in uniform, and money changes hands in exchange for registrations and authorizations.

渔民出售他们直接从船上送来的新鲜海产品,一批又一批的顾客选购他们所要的东西,总是要同卖鱼人讨价还价。Fishermen sell fresh sea food directly from their boats, while rows of customers select and attempt to haggle the price for their purchases.