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我出生在厄瓜多尔,但是我也感到自己是阿拉伯人。I was born in Ecuador but I feel very Arab too.

石油在厄瓜多尔这样的国家非常重要。Oil is very important in a country like Ecuador.

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然而,厄瓜多不只跨越了南北两半球。However, Ecuador straddles more than just two hemispheres.

象牙果是一种南美厄瓜多尔的棕榈树椰果。Ivory is a South American fruit tree Coconut palm in Ecuador.

我从厄瓜多尔回来,这里的物价对我来说,是个巨大的冲击。I've come back from Ecuador and it's a massive shock, you know.

厄瓜多尔是一个使用美元的国家——他们没有自己的货币,只有美元。Ecuador is dollarized — no currency of its own, just US dollars.

理想的是,在厄瓜多尔,我们只使用可再生能源。In an ideal world we would only use renewable energy in Ecuador.

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象牙果是一种南美厄瓜多尔的棕榈树椰果。Ivory fruit is a kind of South America Ecuador palm trees coconut.

27年前,德克普拉特的两岁女儿弗兰切丝卡随母前往厄瓜多尔。The 2-year-old went with her mother on a trip to Ecuador 27 years ago.

这些科学家将坐上厄瓜多尔的金枪鱼捕捞船。The scientists will sail on board a tuna purse-seine vessel from Ecuador.

厄瓜多和委内瑞拉也要求他们的军队采取行动对抗矿工。Ecuador and Venezuela have also asked their armies to act against the miners.

环保人士和厄瓜多尔政府都支持原告。Environmentalists and the government of Ecuador are siding with the plaintiffs.

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在苏克雷的帮助下,1822年他实现了厄瓜多尔的独立。With the help of Antonio Sucre, he secured the independence of Ecuador in 1822.

我在厄瓜多尔呆了两年,刚回来。我花两年的时间在南美的厄瓜多尔。I'm just back from 2 years in Ecuador. I spent 2 years in Ecuador in South America.

为了创作这辐画,车驰花了九周的时间,到厄瓜多尔做画。To create this work, Church had traveled for nine weeks in Ecuador making drawings.

至1992年Petroecuador接管了全部的经营权,德士古从厄瓜多尔撤出。In 1992 Petroecuador took over the whole operation and Texaco withdrew from Ecuador.

上周末在厄瓜多尔发生了针对当地中资公司的抗议活动。Last weekend, there was a demonstration in Ecuador against a company funded by China.

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一组新照片展示了厄瓜多尔首都基多附近的一座活火山是多么活跃。New pictures are showing how active a volcano near Ecuador 's capital of Quito is gotten.

波兰输给厄瓜多尔,我可真没想到。波兰挺强的啊。Poland beaten by Ecuador? That's stricken me by surprise, for Poland seems fairly strong.

最纯正的克里奥洛可可树主要分布在厄瓜多尔和委内瑞拉。The pure variety of the Criollo tree is found mainly in its native Ecuador and Venezuela.