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乔斯·温登是黑客!Joss Whedon is a hack!

这尊佛像简直是太大了!So large a joss it is!

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这尊佛像啊是全铜制作的。This joss is cast with bronze.

那么大尊佛像谁能看不见啊?Who will ignore such a large joss?

我烧了一些金纸,祈求上帝的考试。I burnt some joss papers and pray to the examination god.

每一章节都会持续一炷香的时间。Each episode would last the duration of a burning joss stick.

每段故事都持续约一柱香的时间的时间。Each episode would last the duration of a burning joss stick.

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每逢既望之日他都会去寺庙烧香。He goes to the temple to burn joss sticks every 15th day of the month.

戴公庙。这是一个我每次回家都要去磕头烧香的庙。I go to this temple to kowtow and burn joss sticks each time I go home.

玉莲寺善男信女众多,香火鼎盛。The jade lotus temple good believes is numerous, the joss stick is vigorous.

当烧香和纸钱时,他们相信佛祖会保佑我们家。When the burn sticks and paper's money, they believe joss can bless my family.

成名的妻子把钱放在案上,象前边的人一样烧香跪拜。Cheng's wife put her money on the table, lit joss sticks and kowtowed just like others there.

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她留下信说自己在妈祖庙旁的那棵树上留了一封信解释了自己这么做的原因。She left a letter said he left a letter on the tree beside the joss explains the reason for this.

后来,超级漫画迷乔斯·维顿在2001年6月就执导本片的一些事项进行了商讨。Later, Joss Whedon, a big fan of the comic book, was in negotiations to direct the film in June 2001.

研究认为,它们是一种当时家庭用以烧香供佛的小香炉。Researchers believe that they were domestic incense burners used to burn the joss sticks for the Buddha.

特殊的环境培育了特殊的文化,真武庙的修建是较为突出的表现。Special environment cultivates a special culture. The construction of Zhenwu joss house is prominent of this type.

在隔壁的大黑房间里读着书,琴不知道三注香燃尽会到什么时候。Lute was reading in the large dark room next door. She had no idea how long it would take to burn three joss sticks.

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从蜀山森林公园禁止燃放烟花爆竹、烧香烧纸之后,几乎没有类似违规的事情发生。Ever since the prohibition against fireworks, burning incense and joss paper, scarcely have there been such violations.

在小洲村,这位男子在一寺庙前抬头看挂在香塔里的祈愿文字。This man was checking the information written on the joss sticks hanging on the top of the temple in Xiao Zhuo village.

红螺寺也是一个理想的清明祭祀的地方,在这里你可以在祭坛上烧香来祭拜先者。The temple is also an ideal Qingming escape because here one can burn joss sticks at the altar in tribute to the deceased.