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这是一个文氏图。It’s a Venn diagram.

我要画一幅维恩图。I will draw a Venn diagram.

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通过拖动添加维恩图。再选择圆形以添加文本。Drag to add a Venn diagram. Subselect a circle to add text.

维恩图如何帮助你了解人物?How does the Venn Diagram help you understand the characters?

用维恩图表示我们会看到有些重叠,但是却不多,为什么会这样呢?Venn diagram would have some overlap, but not much. How is this possible?

你能找到两种不同的事物并用维恩图来比较它们吗?Can you find two different things and make a Venn Diagram to compare them?

用维恩图表示我们会看到有些重叠,但是却不多,为什么会这样呢?A Venn diagram would have some overlap, but not much. How is this possible?

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提出基于VENN图解法的企业知识缺口识别方法,并给出应用该方法的步骤。Then, the identifying method and process of knowledge gaps is studied by using VENN diagram.

他从喜剧、政治和科技的交集中找到了发财机会。He now carves out his niche at the overlap of the Venn diagram of comedy, politics, and tech.

以下的维恩图描述了将一个大的IT部门构建成3个子部门的一种模式。The Venn diagram below presents one model of organizing your department into 3 sub-departments.

提出的扩展通过合并集合大小信息增强了文氏图的一般概念。The proposed extension enhances the usual notion of Venn diagrams by incorporating set size information.

这里我们提出了一个简单但有效的从两个或三个基因列表中创建文氏图的网络应用程序。Here we propose a simple but effective web application creating Venn diagrams from two or three gene lists.

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在维恩图中这三个部门的重叠是有意为之。These three departments have purposeful overlap of responsibilities as illustrated in the Venn diagram above.

哈利波特和暮光之城的粉丝也可以挤进这个肮脏的关于荷尔蒙和可怜的小资的维恩图。Harry Potter and Twilight fans can also be stuffed into this sordid venn diagram of hormones and poor capitalization.

文氏图是代表数套基因间相互作用以显示能够被容易阅读的信息的图形化方法。Venn diagrams are graphical ways of representing interactions among sets to display information that can be read easily.

他捉摸着,文恩和姚伯太太一定联合起来了,他觉得,他和这样一种联盟一决胜负是应该的。He imagined that Venn and Mrs. Yeobright were in league, and felt that there was a certain legitimacy in combating such a coalition.

教会学生把新信息组成图案的多种方法,例如概括、维恩制图、制网、强调、制表等。Teach students a variety of ways to pattern new information, such as outlining, Venn diagramming, webbing, highlighting, charting, etc.

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当前,没有能够创建链接到一系列生物学数据库的面积比例文氏图程序可用。Currently there are no programs available that can create area-proportional Venn diagrams connected to a wide range of biological databases.

他用维恩图解中的两个重叠的圆的交集来表示在自我的两个对立面重叠处暴露出的真我。He uses a Venn diagram of two overlapping circles to make the point that the true self emerges when the opposite features of ourselves overlap.

这种新的检验方法与文恩图法有很多相似之处,也有不同之处,但最后检验的结果完全一致。Although this new method is very similar to the Venn Diagram, there are still some differences between them. However, the final results are the same.