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该部分就是一个元素。The part is an element.

因此并没有第一个元素。There is no 0th element.

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巨蟹是水相星座。Cancer's element is Water.

双鱼座是水相星座。Pisces is a Water element.

镍是一种金属元素。Nickel is a metallic element.

镉是一种金属元素。Cadmium is a metallic element.

单击一个可切换元素。You click a swappable element.

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所有的RTD应双元素。All RTDs shall be dual element.

那一定是素斋了。That is element fast certainly.

接着利用有限元软件MSC。The finite element program MSC.

向量处理单元?。VPE? Vector Processing Element?

我可以查看一个元素。I've got one element to look at.

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高稳定性砷化镓霍尔元件。High-stability GaAs Hall element.

接下来,创建新元素。Next, you create the new element.

地球上最稀有的元素砹。On Earth rarest element astatine.

应用大型通用有限元分析软件MSC。With finite element software MSC.

氢是一价的元素。Hydrogen is a one-valence element.

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她的首要因素是逻各斯。Its dominant element is the Logos.

去年发现了一种稀有元素。A rare element was found last year.

原汁原味的美味是健康元素。Original-taste is a healthy element.