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榛果拿铁咖啡是我的最爱。Hazelnut Lattes are my favorite.

榛果拿铁咖啡是我的最爱。Hazelnut Lattes are my favourite.

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做一道乐佩公主拿手的南瓜榛子汤。Make Rapunzel's Squash & Hazelnut Soup.

加入椰丝和榛子粉,用橡胶刮刀捞拌均匀。Add in coconut shreds and hazelnut powder.

就靠在一只榛果般大的铜铃旁边。Next to a brass bell as big as a hazelnut.

让我猜猜,奶奶,那您就是榛子口味的。Let me guess, Grandmother. You're hazelnut.

我曾经拿过一块榛子那么大的钚。I have handled Uranium the size of a hazelnut.

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也许奶奶会做些榛果布丁。Maybe Grandma will make some hazelnut pudding.

我经常要一中杯外带中杯双攒浓缩珍果拿铁咖啡。I usually order a medium soy latte with hazelnut syrup to go.

当充满榛子酥皮奶油,他们是真正的治疗。When filled with hazelnut pastry cream, they are a real treat.

大理石般的外壳里隐藏了裹着糖衣的松脆杏仁榛子。It's marble-shaped shell with sugar coat and almond and hazelnut inside.

榛仁油中不饱和脂肪酸含量高达95。The content of unsaturated fatty acid in hazelnut oil is approximately 95.

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爱尔兰奶酪和榛果是最常用的整豆咖啡的调味料。Irish cream and Hazelnut are the most popular whole bean coffee flavorings.

加入榛果的味道,体验另一种新鲜的感觉。Join the flavour of hazelnut and experience personally another fresh felling.

块根类蔬菜被“栽培”到花盆中,“土壤”是用麦芽和榛子粉做成的Root vegetables are served in a pot whose "soil" is made of malt and hazelnut flour.

当我还是个小男孩时,常和弟弟用榛子树枝做弓。When I was a little boy, my brother and I used to make bows out of hazelnut branches.

又一种品味独特的美味,里面有草莓、榛子和牛轧糖。Another taste sensation featuring tastings of strawberry, ferrrao, hazelnut and nougat.

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香料基肉桂风味咖啡要么榛子或杏仁肉桂脯氨酸。Spice-based flavored coffee can either be cinnamon hazelnut or cinnamon almond praline.

表明榛子壳棕色素具有较好的抗氧性能力,可以作为天然抗氧化剂。The results suggested that Hazelnut shell brown pigment can be used as natural anti-oxidants.

即使不和水果共食,开心果、榛子也可以是你的饮食最佳伴侣。And fruit, if not a total food, pistachio, hazelnut can also be the best partner of your diet.