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珠儿回答道。answered Pearl.

也是珠儿叫我受着惩罚!Pearl punishes me too!

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还有,我很爱珍珠奶茶!And I love pearl milk tea!

别忘了珍珠港事件。Don't forget Pearl Harber.

我要一杯珍珠奶茶。I want one pearl milk tea.

他能说些什么呢,珠儿?What should he say, Pearl?

也要泛出珍珠。Would overflow with pearl.

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可是小珠儿在哪里呢?But where was little Pearl?

有没有海水珠?Do you have sea born pearl?

珍珠奶茶会爆炸?。Pearl milk tea's explosion?

她是女中豪杰。She is a pearl among women.

是珠儿叫我还活在世上!Pearl keeps me here in life!

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她珍藏着一颗浑圆的珍珠。She has a perfectly round pearl.

蓝妹、虎啤和珠江。Blue Girl, Tiger, and Pearl River.

珍珠饰品,珍珠首饰,珍珠礼品。Chinese Pearl & Jewelry Co. , Ltd.

那些狗在为一块骨头厮打。The dogs were fighting over a pearl.

“谁给你讲的这个故事,珠儿?”"And who told you this story, Pearl?

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香港是东方之珠吗?Hong Kong is the Pearl of the Orient?

第三件是我的珍珠项链。The third piece is my pearl necklace.

吉纳已经发现了世上最大的珍珠。Kino had found the Pearl of the World.