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蝗虫敢死队。Kamikaze locust.

正在此时,神风还在继续地吹着。Meanwhile, the kamikaze continues to blow.

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共产中国海豹突击队是新的神风特工队啊!The communist Chines SEAL's are the new Kamikaze.

在下面的丛林里,诺姆看着她敢死队般地狂冲IN THE JUNGLE BELOW, Norm watches her kamikaze run

为什么神风敢死队的日本飞行员都要戴头盔?。Why did the Japanese kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

我现在可以告诉你为什么我让神风出现在你的生活中。I can tell you now why I allowed the kamikaze in your life.

在美国,它的意思是自杀性袭击,这种袭击是被错误导向的。In the American lexicon, a kamikaze is a misguided suicide bomber.

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与你之间的溜溜球神风招变化在这个自由溜溜球视频。Variations of the kamikaze trick with your Yo-Yo in this free yo-yo video.

然而,他们对你的仇恨实在是太多了处理,他们决定为神风攻击。However their hatred for you is too much to handle and they decided for kamikaze attacks.

相反的是,在这场暴风正强时,暴风也就是我说的神风,上帝甚至剥夺了约伯发问的权利。Instead, in the midst of a storm — a kamikaze — he denied Job even had the right to ask the question.

它们有和反坦克车辆相同的属性并能类似神风敢死队那样进行自杀攻击,在目标物附近产生巨大的爆炸。They have the same properties as anti-tank vehicles and attack like kamikaze units with a big explosion near the target.

设计师尼洛·罗迪斯-贾梅罗把侦察兵比作神风特攻队飞行员,他们只须看清正前方是什么。Designer Nilo Rodis-Jamero likened the scout troopers to kamikaze pilots who need only to see what's directly in front of them.

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在二战中,人们不能理解,神风飞机的飞行员,他们是自杀式炸弹袭击者,他们的飞机上有炸弹。In Second World War, people couldn't make sense out of kamikaze pilots who were suicide bombers, who had their planes with bombs.

第二个漂浮在海面上的神风队飞行员设法躲开战斗机飞行员的子弹和我们的炮弹,潜入船的左舷。The second kamikaze pilot managed to stay afloat from the coursing of fighter pilot's bullets and our shells and dived into the port side.

他们只有两百个神风飞机飞行员,但如果更多的话,他们就会摧毁美国海军,因为他们很成功。They only had two hundred kamikaze pilots, but if they had more, they would have destroyed American Navy, because they were so successful.

跟着广管局的神风特攻队巴士司机,我们离开了城市,沿着国道,景色一直延伸到地平线远方。After a hairy departure, weaving around BA's kamikaze bus drivers, we left the city behind and a straight country road stretched to the horizon before us.

“过去2-3年来,我们看到有不少富豪进入足球圈,他们像神风特攻队一样的花钱,”他们说。"Over the last two or three years we have seen very wealthy owners become part of football clubs and therefore go on this kamikaze effort to spend their money, " he said.

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而对于很多老兵而言,她的声音,和在梦中“她”的容颜一起,仍存在于那些在太平洋战场上的记忆中,犹如零式战斗机坠入海中那一刻一样真实。And for many old servicemen “her” voice, and their dream of “her” face, still fill their memories of war in the Pacific, as real as the kamikaze aircraft plunging into the sea.