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水晶体、电子芯片等的抛光。Polishing crystalline lens and chip.

五氯酚是结晶固体。Pentachlorophenol is a crystalline solid.

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它们在基础阶段是结晶状的。At their basic level, they're crystalline.

白色或类白色结晶性粉末,无气味。White or white crystalline powder, odorless.

被澄澈水流的回旋催眠入梦。Lull'd by the coil of his crystalline streams.

它是一种白色结晶粉末,无气味。It is a white crystalline and odourless powder.

晶体中的异构化反应。like an isomerization inside a crystalline solid.

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一种无色的晶状酸,从单宁酸中提取。A colorless crystalline acid obtained from tannin.

昨天,天空呈现出了完美的、水晶般的蓝色。Yesterday, the sky was a perfect, crystalline blue.

水从岩洞上有节奏的滴下来。Water is dripping steadily from the crystalline rock.

听石由许多小结晶的耳石形成。Otolith are found from many small crystalline otoconia.

这块蓝色平板是由多晶体硅制成的模块。This blue plate is a module made of crystalline silicon.

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氟乐灵一种结晶状的化合物,c13h16f3n3o4,用作除锈。A crystalline compound, C13H16F3N3O4, used as a herbicide.

从凝胶或胶原质中获得的晶状氨基酸。A crystalline amino acid obtained from gelatin or collagen.

辐射传感器依赖于晶体材料,长株潭。The radiation sensor relies on a crystalline material, CZT.

一种类似黄玉的晶体石英的淡黄色变体。A pale yellow variety of crystalline quartz resembling topaz.

萤石-石英-白云石是一种稀见少有呈晶簇产出的矿物。Fluorite is one of common mineral assumed crystalline druses.

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铁基合金的以主体为中心的立体晶体相位。The body-centred cubic crystalline phase of iron-based alloys.

白色结晶粉末,自由流动,无刺激气味。White crystalline powder, free-flowing, nothing stimulating odor.

一种淡黄色晶状碘化合物,CHI3,用作抗感染剂。A yellowish crystalline iodine compound, CHI3, used as an antiseptic.