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通常采用药物或手术即可治疗。It is often medically or surgically treatable.

1994年间美国共有314人去做提臀手术?。Americans had their butts lifted surgically in 1994.

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某些情况下,这些粘连需要手术切除。In some cases, adhesions must be surgically removed.

硬膜下血肿或脑肿瘤则需进行外科手术。Subdural hematomas or brain tumors may be treated surgically.

变应性真菌性副鼻窦炎多采用外科方式和甾类激素治疗。Allergic fungal sinusitis is treated surgically and with steroid therapy.

第二天,通过手术,电池被拿了出来,艾丹回到了家里。The battery was surgically removed the next day, and Aidan was sent home.

报道了23例家族性结肠息肉病的外科治疗。From 1985 to 1993, 23 cases of familial polyposis coil were treated surgically.

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手术治疗的患者中确实遇到更多的治疗相关并发症。Surgically treated patients did experience more treatment-related complications.

然后通过手术把胚囊引进寄养母体的子宫内。The blastocyst is then surgically introduced into the uterus of a foster mother.

输液港是通过手术植入胸壁上的皮肤下面。The port is surgically inserted under the skin's surface on the upper chest wall.

如果能够准确确定材料,就可以使用其他材料改变其外观。When you can pinpoint material, you can surgically replace it with other material.

标准治疗方式中,医生采用银夹夹断动脉,游离,通过手术方式清除狭窄。In the standard treatment, doctors clamp off the artery and clean it out surgically.

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这种凝胶可能会在手术摘除疤痕组织后注射。The gel would probably be injected after the scar tissue has been surgically removed.

更值得提及的是,对做过外科手术的脚,他丝毫没有显示出任何胆怯。More importantly, he showed no signs of timidity regarding his surgically repaired foot.

在焦痂脱落或手术去除前难以确定其分期。Stage is difficult to determine until eschar has sloughed or has been surgically removed.

那么问题是,究竟多少次脱位才考虑外科手术干预呢?The question then is how many dislocations one allows before treating the patient surgically?

一些喉结过于突出的人甚至会通过外科手术来剔除它们,同时不会有任何不良影响。Some men with especially prominent bumps even have them surgically shaved, with no ill effects.

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愈合期后以手术暴露植体并置入支台体。After a period of healing, the implant is surgically uncovered for the insertion of an abutment.

方法人食管上皮细胞来源于食管癌患者手术切除的食管。Methods HEECs were derived from surgically resected esophagi of patients with esophageal cancer.

方法回顾分析10例经手术、病理证实的鳃裂囊肿的CT表现。Methods CT findings of 10 BCC proved surgically and pathologically were retrospectively reviewed.