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忱是它自己的来由。Zeal is its own excuse.

没有知识的热情犹如脱缰野马。Zeal without knowledge is a runaway.

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他们被宗教热情所驱使。They were animated by religious zeal.

他的心被对方要求以诚相见的热忱攫住了。The zeal for honesty had eaten him up.

这是一项需要热诚的任务。This is a subject which requires zeal.

他怀着极大的热诚为理想而努力。He worked for the cause with great zeal.

他热情地追寻着他的医学研究。He pursues his medical studies with zeal.

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缺乏知识之热情犹如脱缰之马。Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.

缺乏知识之热心犹如脱缰之马。Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.

缺乏知识之热心犹如脱缰之马。Z Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.

他们以极大的热情投入工作。They plunged into their work with immense zeal.

万君之耶和华的热心,必成就这事。The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

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凡是懦夫躲避的,我们反而热烈地寻找。That seeks what cravens shun with more than zeal.

此外,这种对神的热心也可以比喻为洗眼剂。Again, this zeal for God is compared to collyrium.

请无论如何难忘的嫉妒与按摩椅按摩。Zeal and in any event do not forget a chair massage.

拥有重塑每日自我的想象和热情。Have the imagination and zeal to re-create yourself daily.

食品零售商怀着热情利用了这一商机。Food retailers have cashed in on this opportunity with zeal.

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这个建议后来被共和党人兴高采烈的采纳了。That advice was later taken up with zeal by the Republicans.

热诚只适宜于智者,但热诚多半在愚者身上。Zeal is fit only for wise men, but is found mostly in fools.

你要满腔热情地去工作和对待同事。You have zeal for the work you do and the people you work with.