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这是一个群龙无首的世界。It is a leaderless world.

在欢快的以色列人,然后攻击领袖亚述人,谁在逃离的恐慌。The jubilant Israelites then attack the leaderless Assyrians, who flee in panic.

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德军混乱状况以及其后撤退,部分原因是沃伊中尉令其失去了指挥。The German confusion and subsequent retreat were in part due to in having been rendered leaderless by Wray.

穆巴拉克的夙敌被群龙无首的成千上万年轻埃及人取代。Hosni Mubarak's traditional foes have been displaced by the leaderless tens of thousands of young Egyptians.

虽然一开始是由加拿大的反消费团体所发起,但是抗议活动群龙无首。Although it was originally created by the Canadian anti-consumerist group Adbusters, the protest is leaderless.

因此,普通成员之间实际上流传着这样一个说法,即这项行动变成了无领袖的。And so, therefore, there is a view among the rank and file that, effectively, the movement has become leaderless.

佩雷恩接管了一支群龙无首的部队,试图在首脑死后控制混乱的局面。Pellaeon taking command of the leaderless task force, trying to rein in the chaos after the death of a mastermind.

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这是一起自发运动,遵从“非暴力”抗议,并无十分明确的呼吁要求。This is a leaderless movement, and one that started without any clear demands, and one that is committed to nonviolence.

无领导小组讨论是评价中心技术中的一种情境模拟测评技术。Leaderless Group Discussion is a Situation Simulation test technology of Assessment Center, and is an effective personnel test.

狗娃声称更好的活路还在后边,现在紫云县群龙无首,我要当县长,从此紫云县就是咱们的天下。Gowardesh claimed that better way behind, ziyun county leaderless now, I want to be a county magistrate, ziyun county is our world.

他期待林务局的主管们走进无领袖且无固定形式的会议,他称之为开放空间科技。He expected nothing less from the forestry managers toward the largely leaderless and formless meeting he calls Open Space Technology.

其实没有领导人的革命真的可以搞成,比如,大家可以根据纳斯达克指数来决定集会地点。In fact, leaderless revolutions can succeed too. For example, people could choose their gathering locations based on the Nasdaq index.

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Vallejo可能是智利大量无领导运动中最优秀的领袖,同时他又组织了本周巴黎的游行。Vallejo, perhaps the most charismatic leader of a still largely leaderless movement in Chile, popped up at the march in Paris this weekend.

在德国和奥地利,我目睹了四分五裂和群龙无首的羊群们东奔西走,渴望着牧羊人的再次出现并给予羊群们安全保障。I saw in Germany and in Austria scatteredand leaderless sheep running this way and that, longing for the lost securityof the flock and the shepherd.

虽然这是可以理解的利比亚革命领袖的某种混乱状态仅仅10天之后开始,后果可能是严重的。Though it's understandable that Libya's leaderless revolution is in some state of disarray a mere 10 days after it began, the consequences could be severe.

今天又一个神秘的组织漫步其中,它没有领袖,没有纪律,组织成员整日呆在地下。Today the tunnels are roamed by a different clandestine group, a loose and leaderless community whose members sometimes spend days and nights below the city.

遭遇重创,丢盔卸甲,这群毫无组织的,由大学生、商人、零售店主和预备役军人组成的反叛军被打回原形。Bloodied and outgunned, the rebels, a leaderless rabble of university students, mechanics, shopkeepers, and Army reservists, had been falling back ever since.

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中国军队往往在失去指挥的状况下,如乌合之众仓惶溃逃。国民党的将领们一心只想尽快撤到黄河以南。The often leaderless Chinese troops ran away in confusion and the general idea of the Kuomintang command was to get over the Yellow River as fast as possible.

正是基地组织的直接卷入,帮助了没有领导的英国圣战运动组织在2005年7月5日制造了伦敦连环爆炸案,52人丧生。It was al-Qaeda's direct involvement that helped a leaderless group of British jihadis mount the multiple London bombings on July 7, 2005, that killed 52 commuters.

党内对国家未来的大方向上达成共识是件好事,毕竟在党的机构中没有人希望党会陷入四分五裂,群龙无首的境地。There’s a good deal of consensus within the Party about the general direction of the country—no one in the Party apparatus wants to see it implode and the nation left leaderless.