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乔治·布什退休生活过得很不错。George W. Bush is doing pretty well for a retiree.

这为退休老人精心培养他的盆景。The retiree is painstakingly nurturing his bonsai.

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退休人员罗伯特夏夫利在球场上度过他的日子。Retiree Robert Shively spends his days on the golf course.

退休人员回到学校进修的最大的好处是什麽?What's the biggest advantage of going back to school as a retiree?

而在中国,许多人认为这个品牌是属于退休人士的领域。In China, many people think Mercedes-Benz is the domain of the retiree.

我是靠固定收入的退休者,只能为我的社区乐捐。As a retiree with a fixed income, I can only donate to our local community.

它可以是一个婴儿、十来岁的少年,中年人,或退休者。It could be a baby, it could be a teenager, a middle-aged person or a retiree.

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退休的麦阿李斯特说,帮助他人比度假更重要。Retiree Jerrell McAlister says saving others is more important than a vacation.

中国没有在账簿中隐瞒任何养老金或退休医疗保障金造成的将来债务。China isn't hiding anyfuture liability for pensions or retiree health care off the books.

在568对死者与受控者中,有102对是一个退休人员和一个在职人员。Of the 568 pairs of victims and controls, 102 included one retiree and one person still at work.

又过了几天,这个老谋深算的退休老人再一次出现在他们正在沿路击打着垃圾桶的时候。A few days later, the wily retiree approached them again as they drummed their way down the street.

你只有把退休福利统计在内,才能了解到公司的劳工总成本的全貌。Only when you include retiree benefits do you get a complete picture of a company’s total labor costs.

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哈洛沃兹,一个退休者,用70-200毫米的变焦镜头,在阿拉斯加的。Horowitz photographed this brown bear on Alaska's Kodiak Island. The retiree used a 70-200mm zoom lens.

如果L.L.N.S“没有提供退休健康福利,我就也没有健康保险。”If Lawrence Livermore National Security “doesn’t fund retiree health benefits, I have no health insurance.

但如果你是一个退休者想要再找一份工作,你有可能失去的更多,包括你一辈子的积蓄。If you're a retiree looking for a second career, you have a lot more to lose--including your life savings.

年60已退休的王有群在彭州地震时被埋196小时后奇迹获救。Wang Youqun, a 60-year-old retiree from Pengzhou, was miraculously rescued after being buried for 196 hours.

这些发现对任何人都有效,无论还在做长除法的4年级学生还是准备学习一门新语言的退休老人。The findings can help anyone, from a fourth grader doing long division to a retiree taking on a new language.

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马里兰州银泉市90岁的退休老太玛丽·卢·马哈尼估计可以称得上是最酷炫奶奶了。Meet Mary Lou Mahaney, a 90-year-old retiree from Silver Spring, Maryland, who is probably the coolest grandma ever.

同时,金额达数十亿美元的退休人员医疗费此前给三大厂商造成沉重负担,现在也转给了外部的信托基金。It also offloads billions of dollars in retiree health-care liabilities hobbling the Big Three to outside trust funds.

Schnur女士,在10月份改名的退休员工,拿出了一些旧身份证来说明类似观点。Ms. Schnur, the retiree who changed her name in October, took out some old identification cards to make a similar point.