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多伦多是加拿大最靠南的城市之一。Toronto is one of the southernmost cities in Canada.

丹麦是最小的也是最南端的北欧国家。Denmark is the smallest and southernmost Nordic country.

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广东菜源自于中*国最南部的省份广东省。Cantonese food originates from Guangdong, the southernmost province in China.

这个地方便是中国最南端海南省的城市---五指山市。This place is the city of Wuzhishan in China's southernmost province of Hainan.

货船从中国最南端省份出发,经过13小时的行程运来了淡水。Fresh water comes by freighter on a 13-hour journey from China's southernmost province.

广东菜系广东菜源自于中国最南部的省份广东省。Guangdong Cuisine Cantonese food originates from Guangdong, the southernmost province in China.

尼科巴群岛最南端的岛屿在距离印度尼西亚不到100公里。The southernmost islands in the Nicobar archipelago are less than 100 kilometers from Indonesia.

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阿尔加维是葡萄牙最南部的一个省,此地的游客数量占整个葡萄牙游客量将近一半。Portugal's southernmost province of Algarve accounts for nearly half of all tourist arrivals to the country.

九州日本最南端的主要岛屿,在西南部,位于东中国海和太平洋上。The southernmost of the major islands of Japan, in the southwest on the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean.

铁路最南端的部分于上世纪六十年代被拆除,之后过了很长时间,才有人提议可以将剩下的部分改造成公园。That southernmost section was torn down in the 1960s, long before any thought of turning the line into a park.

新西兰仍是世界最南端的葡萄种植园,那儿那里的葡萄树直到南纬45度仍然能够茁壮发展。New Zealand is the southernmost vineyard- growing region in the world, with vines well below the 45th parallel south.

但是,对于一个勇敢的探险者,前往最南端的岛屿吕宋岛是一种全新的体验。But for an intrepid adventure seeker, traveling to the southernmost tip of the island of Luzon is a whole new experience.

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总部新加坡位于东南亚,是马来半岛最南端的一个热带城市岛国。Headquarters located in Singapore, Southeast Asia, are the southernmost tip of the Malay Peninsula, a tropical island city.

巨大的冰川作用的最南部延伸到今天的美国和密西西比河流域。The southernmost extent of this enormous glaciation extended well into the present-day United States and Mississippi basin.

中国东方丝绸市场位于江苏省最南端的吴江市盛泽镇。China Eastern Silk Market is located in the Shengze town, Wujiang city, where is the southernmost place of Jiangsu province.

我出生在广东,在中国大陆最南部的省份,在冬季温度极少会低于5度。I was born in Guangdong, the southernmost province in mainland China where in winter the temperature seldom falls be low 5C.

这对新人于本周一在位于地球最南端的城市乌斯怀亚交换了婚戒,该市比布宜诺斯艾利斯更靠近南极洲。The couple exchanged rings on Monday in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world, closer to Antarctica than Buenos Aires.

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位于辽东半岛南端的大连,1898开始由俄国统治,达七年之久。1905年开始,日本占领大连40年。Located on the southernmost tip of the Liaodong Peninsula, Dalian was occupied in 1898 by Russia and seven years later by Japan.

佛罗里达西南顶端的海角。是埃弗格莱兹国家公园的一部分,也是美国大陆最南端。A cape at the southwest tip of Florida. Part of Everglades National Park, it is the southernmost extremity of the U. S. mainland.

三亚,是中国东南沿海黄金海岸线上最南端的重要口岸,是祖国真正的南大门。It perches on the golden coastline of Southeastern China is an important southernmost port and the true southern gateway of China.