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外界对中国偿付能力的错误认识。This distorts external perceptions of China's solvency.

外界对中国偿付能力的错误认识。This distorts external perceptions of China’s solvency.

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起初他们把偿付问题当成流动性问题处理。They initially mistook a solvency problem for a liquidity one.

今天就开始追求长期的负债偿还能力吧,明天开始你就将不断地改善你的经济状况。Pursue solvency today, and you’ll be in abetter position tomorrow.

负债的偿还能力可以反映你个人的责任感。Financial solvency can be a reflection ofyour sense of responsibility.

对银行偿付能力出现恐慌更加速了经济的崩溃。Fears about the solvency of the banks precipitated the great economic crash.

这就是国家的偿债能力要比政府债务更加重要的原因。This is why the issue of national solvency goes beyond what governments owe.

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它拥有强大的溶解能力,但是不会影响到金属或者合金。OptiClear has high solvency power, yet it will not affect metal or metal alloy.

我们现在面临一个变化的,和偿付能力和宏观经济有关的问题。We are now facing a liquidity problem, a solvency problem and a macroeconomic problem.

衰退已经横扫了一切,包括从慈善事业到偿债能力。The recession has hit everything from philanthropy to stripping to the solvency of Nevada.

其次,溶解能力稳定的清洗液有助于提高清洗寿命。Secondly, cleaning solutions that clean with solvency consistently provide longer bath life.

美国的危机已经剧烈地从一个流动性的问题变成了偿付能力的麻烦。The crisis in America has dramatically grown from one of liquidity to one of solvency as well.

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因此,如果再保险人没有雄厚的财力,原保险人的偿付能力也会受到威胁。The solvency of the primary insurer can be threatened if the reinsurer is not financially sound.

这种抛售资产的个体行为会损害所有其他人的清偿力,最终自食其果。This leads to a deterioration of the solvency of everybody else and self-defeating assets sales.

朝着实现长期负债偿还能力的努力,反应了一个人超越保持良好财务状况的成熟。Making strides towards achieving solvency reflectsmaturity that goes well-beyond the financial sphere.

研究生的存在、大学的资金偿还能力,这些都依靠项目预算。The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students and the scal solvency of the university.

本文对影响中国非寿险保险市场偿付能力的各种内部和外部的因素进行了定性的分析。Those factors which affect the solvency of non-life insurance companies in China are analyzed in this paper.

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还一个干净的基础油具有较好的偿债能力的添加剂和可容纳上污垢粒子暂停更好。Also a clean base oil has better solvency for additives and can hold on to dirt particles for suspension better.

在这种背景下,如何保证再保险公司的偿付能力是再保险公司和监管部门共同面临的核心课题。Under these circumstances, how to maintain their solvency is a new task faced by both reinsurers and supervisor.

此外,由于具有更高的氢键结合力,可与专用活性组分相溶。And, with stronger hydrogen bonding capabilities, they provide compatible solvency for selected active ingredients.